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Greg Lindeblom: The Fabriculous 90's!

Will (New York)

'The funniest thing is that he cannot watch me edit. I am ferocious. An image has to be exactly what I am looking for to survive the selection and editing process. He can't watch as I delete what he considers wonderful image after wonderful image. In the old days of contact sheets and pictures, he used to rifle through my garbage can to "save" the images. '

The 'he' photographer Greg Lindeblom refers to in the quote above is his husband Michael.  When I read the sentence, I could totally relate to Greg's process, as well as Michael's reaction to it.  When I'm putting together a piece for FH, sometimes an artist has sent me 400 or 500 images to choose from.  In addition to supporting my choosing just the right images for a story, it also reduces the amount of images that require final editing for the piece.

Garrett (New York)

It's always stressful however, to delete or omit images that I love.  Sometimes, some of the best images remain unseen, as they just don't flow with a stories direction.  I usually use about 12-15 images per piece, and when it gets down to about 20 or 25 that the images choices taken on a painstaking and dramatic Sophie's Choice as I'm editing out those last few shots. Silly as it may sound, there are just some captured moments you struggle not to include.

Garrett by Candlelight 

I guess regardless of when a shoot took place, the struggle to choose favorites, images that both capture the best from a model, and the best from the artist, has been something all artist's struggle with.  A few years ago, I started a series called, 'First Crack At It.'  It focused on some of the very 'first' shoots from some of the photographers I've featured.   Although Greg currently lives and primarily shoots in Florida, these images were all taken at the beginning of of his photography focus on the male form.  All were taken in the nineties during Greg's time in both New York and Toronto.

Rory (Toronto)

I reached out to Greg about another piece, after seeing the shot of Rory (above) that he posted on Instagram.  I loved the image and Rory's nineties supermodel look and the retro vibe that Greg had captured.  Greg was fully on board with a shoot, but given it was an older shot, had only a few images of Rory to share.  He did however, have two or three shots of many of the men he shot in those early days and suggested putting them all together.  

Greg sent on about 30 images and it took me about 3 days choose which images to use..  It was especially difficult to whittle down the set thinking that these images were some of Greg's favorites shown decades ago, and that possibly some of these edits, may have came from a last minute save by Michael.

'My first camera was my father's hand-me-down Brownie Hawkeye which he gave me in 1966 at the age of 11. I was thorough captivated by the fact that I could create wonderful images from the world around me. Ever since, my camera has been a constant source of joy and discovery. For much of my life, my subjects were architecture, landscape and editorial work. In the early 1990s I began to enter my photos in competitions and actually started to win a few prizes. I took courses at Parsons School of Design (which was right across the street from my coop in New York City).'

James (Toronto)

'My husband, Michael, became a full-time artist in 1992. He encouraged me to pursue my photography even more and suggested I start working with nude male models. Most husbands would find that a source of friction in a relationship, but I became a photographer of male nudes at the suggestion of my husband. To this day, Michael has been my greatest supporter. He greets the models when they arrive, then retreats to his studio during our shoot, and only emerges to say good-bye. '

'I started shooting with male models in the early 1990s, when we lived in New York. It was quite a process to set up a studio in our dining area. So I didn't shoot often. But I certainly enjoyed myself immensely. I started shooting with friends, but then graduated to models I found through ads in the Village Voice or postings on the bulletin board at Parsons. It's interesting to remember how difficult it was to connect with models back in the pre-internet days.'

Ryan (Toronto)

When going through the images Greg had sent on, I was struck by his use of both form and fabric.  I was especially drawn to the 'triangle' of light behind the models in the Toronto shoots.  I loved the 'tent' appearance, with the models almost appearing they were being shot in a heavenly sea of billowing white fabric and clouds.

'The shoots in New York were for gallery exhibitions. I showed at both MultiMedia Arts Gallery and the Leslie-Lohman Gallery, both in Soho. (I showed twice at each gallery in the period from 1992 to 1995) You will notice that I was experimenting with different light qualities, and I was especially fond of very low-light photography.' 

Bobby (New York)

'In 1996, we were transferred by my employer from New York to Toronto. We bought a wonderful Edwardian duplex in Seaton Village, just northwest of the university. My studio was in the third floor loft. I loved that triangular window that framed the loft and my studio. Michael even designed (and we had built) a custom triangular window that opened to allow ventilation through the loft. I didn't shoot often because my career was going full throttle. '

'Photography was my creative release, but I had little time for it. Nonetheless, I was able to create some lovely images with a wonderful array of models. Toronto has an amazing art scene and the creative community in that city is world-class. While Michael showed extensively during our Toronto years (1996-2001), I was consumed by work and didn't show at all during that period. It's only recently that I showed my first piece from Toronto -- Garrett in Candlelight. I am so pleased that I have rediscovered this early work and I thank Tye so much for his support and response to it.'

Mark (Toronto)

Greg (Toronto)

Antonie Kamerling in Suite 16


'On the other hand.... If you want to stay for awhile and indulge some of an old man's little..whims...'

A gif is worth a thousand words...  Thanks to a gif on the DC form, I was introduced to actor Antonie Kamerling.  After seeing the gif, (below) I had to find out more about the actor, and the film it was from.  I'm sure you can understand why...

The actor was Dutch actor and musician Antonie Kamerling.  The scene, from the1994 film Suite 16, a Dutch-Belgian-British thriller film directed by Dominique Deruddere..  In the film, Kamerling played a gigolo, whose clients are usually older women.  After, and sometimes before sex, he takes payment by robbing of them of all of their money, jewelry and valuables.

After one of his clients fights back, she ends up dead, leaving Chris (Kamerling) running from the crime scene right into the apartment of Glover. (Pete Postlethwaite)  Glover is disabled, and isolated, and eventually asks Chris to act at his body in living out some of his erotic fantasies.

Chris accepts the offer, for cash of course and beds woman after woman as Glover watches from the other room.  Of course, given Chris is a violent criminal, and Glover has his own sinister agenda, something of course, goes horribly wrong.

Kamerling is incredibly sexy and is naked for about a quarter of the film.  There are a few frontals, but their quick and quite dark.  Although Glover is using Chris, it's also unclear whether it's the women's bodies, or Chris' he's most interested in.  In the scene the gif came from, Chris is tied and bound, waiting for a woman to arrive.  Glover has an other idea, and it's a man comes in to fulfil the fantasy.

I've added a couple of clips below, but if you want to seem ore, I've added 4 clips from the film on Sendpace.  You can check them out HERE: | HERE: | HERE:& HERE:

Kamerling was a law student when he got his first role on the Dutch soap opera Goede tijden, slechte tijden.  His character Peter, soon become one of the show's most popular characters.  The actor quickly transitioned to film and on stage using his music background in musicals.  Sadly, the actor ended his own life in 2010 at the age of 44. 

The Dream Team?


'A lot of female supermodels were selling calendars and merchandising their images, and I thought, Why am I doing this for other people when I could be doing it for myself?'

Ever since starting FH, I've wanted to do a post on The Dream Team.  Those of you who remember the 90's might remember the group of five male models who came, then quickly disappeared in the mid-nineties.  I have a memory of first seeing them on The Oprah show, but I've never been able to find the show on-line.  I've always wondered if I some how dreamed this, so if anyone remembers seeing the show, please let me know!

The group was led by 90's super model Mark Kleckner, and also featured model John Nies, brother to model and Real World participant Eric Nies.  There were three other models in the group. but despite my searches, I couldn't come up with their names to save my life.  Even the most famous member Kleckner is virtually non-existent on the web.  I couldn't find Mark on any social media sites, and hoped to bug him for a possible interview.

You can find a bit of info and images of of Mark's 1994 spread in Playgirl Magazine. I featured Mark's spread in the blog's first year, and you can check out the entire spread on the site HERE:  Mark used his Playgirl spread to only showcase his incredible body, but also to promote The Dream Team and their new calendar and products.  If anyone happened to have that calendar, let me know.  I'd love to see more images of the five men together.

Kleckner, Playgirl (1994)

'Mark Kleckner is very excited - and with good reason.  This bright (a degree in engineering), handsome (yes, we are talking super model) young man is poised to see his latest venture, The Dream Team - a collection of five of the most heart-stopping examples of male pulchritude anywhere 0 become the hottest new trend in marketing since Bart Simpson.  Currently in the works; a mini-series, a line of men's clothing, calendars, in addition to appearances on talk shows and at charity events.'

'We put a group of guys together that we thought represented the best the modeling world had to offer; held a big casting call, looked at over 1,000 men.  They had to be physically fit, appealing, good liking, but guys like that are a dime a dozen.  Every supermodel out there has that.  They guys had to have something else going for them.  They had to very intelligent, and have other interests in their lives.  They had to be outgoing and well spoken, because we make a lot of personal appearances and need to be able to address a great many topics'.

Eric & John Nies

'The Dream Team has their own collection of swimwear, underwear, sleep attire, T-shirts, plus beach towels and a spectacular calendar.'

John Nies

John by Bruce Weber for Bear Pond

Although I couldn't fine The Oprah Show, I did find, thanks to Youtube, an appearance of Mark, John and The Dream Team on an 1994 feature on Entertainment Tonight. 

Ad Men


When I was putting together today's posts, I realized a theme was emerging.  I didn't plan it, but each of the three main stories were born in the 90's.  A theme it is, enjoy your trip back!

Favorite Pic of the Day for March Greg

The Bathing Scene: A Room With A View


'Are you bathing Mr. Beebe? 
 Don't be shy.'

A Room With A View 
Merchant Ivory Productions (1985)
Director:James Ivory
Book by E.M Forster

Simon Callow..........The Reverend Mr. Beebe
Julian Sands..........George Emerson
Rupert Graves..........Freddy Honeychurch

Sexy Salad


Last month, in a piece featuring the sultry Maximiliano Palacio, (HERE:) I shared that thanks to one very cold and snowy weekend, I finally caved and binged the first two seasons of The Real Housewives of New York.  I say caved, as I had previously resisted watching any of the Housewives franchise, but once down the rabbit hole, I was in.  The constant fighting, partying and drinking had me taking a bit of a break, but last week, I made it through a few more seasons.

In season five of the series, we're introduced to new housewife Carole Radziwill.  I was instantly drawn to Carole for a number of reasons.  I loved her back story, her career in television and journalism, and her ability to rise above most of the chaos surrounding her on the show.  Although she eventually got swept in, she fought a hard a battle for awhile.

One thing Carole didn't fight, well...at least initially, was her attraction to chef Adam Kenworthy.  Adam was introduced working as a personal chef for Luann de Lesseps, but Carole saw something besides the food on the menu that she wanted to sample.  It's easy to understand why.  Adam is incredibly hot, but more than his good looks, he is interesting.  With a diverse set of hobbies and interests, it wasn't a surprise Carole was a smitten kitten.

Adam reminded me of all those straight guys in high school I used to crush over.  Good looking, but not at all cocky about it, open minded, interesting and intelligent, focused on health and fitness, but certainly not a jock.  I loved watching Adam cook, especially when he was preparing Carole his sexy salad.  Despite their age difference, they seemed incredibly compatible during their time together.

Adam by Sean Watters 

Remaining images from Thomas Synnamon

Not surprising given his good looks, and the fact he lived in New York, Adam at one time some modeling.  A former 2011 Cosmo Bachelor, Adam certainly heated things up in this underwear shoot before turning his attention to heating up the kitchen. 

Anthony's Anatomy


I, like I'm guessing many of you, was a fan of actor Anthony Ramos long before I knew what he looked like.  I wasn't lucky enough to have seen Hamilton on Broadway, but I certainly knew the music and Anthony was a part of the show as John Laurens/Philip Hamilton through the shows transition from Off-Broadway at The Public Theatre through the musical's opening night at The Richard Rogers Theatre on Broadway.

 I think the first time I saw Anthony was as a smiling audience member while watching The Kennedy Centers Honors.  It was shortly after, that I connected the sexy smiling face with the actor I'd been listening to so often in the car and while on a run.  Calvin Klein debuted it's latest promotional images this week, and it was great to see Anthony (shot by Mario Sorrenti)as part of the campaign.  If anyone is curious to what's under Anthony's Calvins, I did a previous piece featuring his only nude scene that I know of. (HERE:)  I'm looking forward to seeing Anthony as Usnavi in the up coming film release of In The Heights.

Anthony Ramos on Instagram

Seasonal Sightings:

Favorite Pic of the Day for March 5th

The Halo Effect: Angel by Bob Burkhardt


'I Have a Head for Business and a Bod for Sin.  Is there anything wrong with that?'
Working Girl, 1988

In life, contractions can be confusing.  I think this confusion is one of the reasons we still sadly rely too much on stereotypes.  We pigeonhole people based on almost everything; race, gender, body size,  and income.  We also often do it with one's profession.  We know the difference, it's just sometimes more comforting, and frankly easier, to trust in those characterizations we were taught as kids.

You know the labels I mean.  Almost every children's book with depicting a police officer (usually as a he) was written as someone safe you could trust.  We've all learned however, that their are rioters with more compassion than some police officers, troubled children with more morality than some priests, and porn stars with more virtue than some (one) President.  

Porn stars are often assumed to be morally challenged.  There are plenty of 'stories' of what happens on porn sets, and I'm sure some of them are true.  Another truth however, is that porn stars are also husbands and wives, friends, sons and daughters and mothers and fathers.  Just because you happen to have a bod for sin doesn't mean you can't also be an Angel...

Although contradictions may be complicated in life, when it comes to art, they are often visually compelling.  I love featuring shoots in which a models job, name or even face contradict with their bodies and appearance in front of the camera.   I love seeing images of bulked up body builders with child like innocent faces.  I love seeing a tough, tattooed body attached to a sweet smiling face.

Model and porn actor Angel certainly has a sweet face, especially when he grins. When Angel smiles he looks like a little kid about to big piece of cake.  Despite his beautiful eyes and angelic face, glance a little lower and you know he doesn't let his wings and halo hold him back.

Angel was one the first model that photographer Bob Burkhardt for the porn studio he had been contracted with.  Angel flew in from New York with his scene partner Red and were dropped off at Bob's Atlanta studio.  Bob was told he had just two hours, and was told to shoot them in various stages of dress and...arousal.  Bob sent on images of Angel and Red separately, as well as both of them together.  I put a few of the images from the couple portion of the shoot on THE OVER-FLOW HERE:

'They were both professional and knew what to do. Angel was was sweet and soft-spoken. Red was more experienced and their chemistry was obvious. Red had a talent for helicopterring his dick. For me, the studio shoots I did were not my most creative as they requested a stark white backdrop. These, however, led to my shooting models in more creative settings using natural light.'

Brand Spanking Neu


If you check out FH on a regular basis, you know I usually resist the 'new'.  There are plenty of blogs and sites whose focus is featuring the latest shoots and the hot new face.  Although I usually don't jump on bandwagons, some are just too tempting to pass up...

Over the past few months, the net has been a buzz with model Pietro Boselli and his sizzling new work with photographer Giampaolo Sgura and artist Franco Gobbi for Yummy Magazine.  Now that he no longer teaches, Pietro seems to be pushing his erotic boundaries more and more in his work in front of the camera.

While I was enjoying Pietro's new work, when I was previewing Issue 2 of Yummy, my attention was drawn to another model, a new model I hadn't seen before.  I absolutely love photographer HardCiderNY's work with model AJ Neu.  I've always enjoyed HardCiderNY's work, but his work with AJ has certainly become af favorite.  Given the images previewed on Instagram, I of course had to order the issue!  AJ has a beautiful face and a smokin hot body!  I think the fact that he's a husband, and a father of two, makes him even hotter.

AJ Neu on Instagram

HardCiderNY on Instagram

Monumental Movie Moments


'Come and have a bathe.'

The line above, was uttered by Freddy Honeychurch (Rupert Graves) after just being introduced to George Emerson. (Julian Sands).  Now not everyone can offer a quick 'how do you do.', then ask the hot man they just met for a bathe but in 1985's A Room With A View, it made the perfect middle act, and a nice contrast, to the rest of the film.

As many of you remember, George, Freddy and Mr. Beebe (Simon Collow) then headed into the woods, and then into the pond, for a relaxing afternoon skinny dip and bathe.   There are thousands of scenes of male skin on screen, and I've featured quite a few of them, but there are a few that for various reasons, really stand out.  The bathing scene in A Room With A View was certainly one of them.

I was only a kid when the film was released, but remember hearing about the 'nude' scene when I was a bit older.  I remember renting a copy on VHS and watching the scene over and over and over again.  The scene was so beautifully shot and the images both wonderfully tranquil, and incredibly hot. There was an innocence and something so natural about the three men taking a bathe together.  This scene was also one of the first nude scenes that I remember that featured full frontal nudity, and that made it even more powerful. 

I rewound and used my pause button like never before.  Even on a rather blurry VHS copy, the scene made quite an impact.  It's funny how you're drawn to different things as you age. When I was  first watching as a kid, my focus was on Rupert Graves.  That  body, those bangs!  When I got a little older, I was drawn equally to Julian.  Julian certainly had the clearest exposure. When I re-watched the scene this past week for this post, I think for the first time, I had the hots for poor Mr. Beebe.   If you haven't seen the scene, or haven't seen it in awhile, check out my caps and clips on the NEXT PAGE HERE:

Snack Time

Favorite Pic of the Day for March 6th

Eyes of the Beholders: Elvis by Baker and Adams


'Elvis was a pleasure to work with. He’s the kind of model that every photographer  wishes they could work with.'

If you're a regular reader of FH, you know that I love featuring models who have been photographed by a variety of different artists. We've all had the experience of looking at the same thing as someone else, yet see, and experiencing it, in very different ways.  I always find myself drawn to the contrasts, and the reasons behind them and love to explore than when I have the opportunity.

Many of you recognize model Elvis Bogdanovs from his previous appeareances on the site. I first featured Elvis two years ago,through the lens of JBDI Photography. (HERE: & HERE:) I followed up those pieces with another view of Elvis, this time from Male Beauty by bengie. (HERE: & HERE) There were distinct differences in the way Elvis was captured in the two previous pieces that I'd done. One was a studio based shoot with vibrant colors and Gothic elements weaved in.  The other shoot was outside, with no color of fashion, just a focus on pose, and Elvis' beautifully sleek nude form.  

When Baker and Adams shared that they had also worked with Elvis, I was excited to see what they'd created.  I've been a hufe fan of the work of the creative collaboration of Devin Baker and Art Adams from the moment I first discovered their work. Through their creative collaboration, and weaving their individual talents together, Baker and Adams create stylish and elegant imagery with a focus pose and form.  

When I think of the imagery of Baker and Adams, the work 'clean' often comes to mind.  The models they capture are never concealed or over-powered by set, props, fashion or over editing.  The Elvis in this series of images, is an exclusive view of the Scotland based model, a unique view is seen through the eyes of two very specific and talented beholders. Given their distinct view, I was of course curious about the process they utilize to achieve their spectacular final images.  Baker and Adams graciously shared a behind the scenes look at their creative process, and the choices made before and during their shoot with Elvis.

Do you remember the first image you saw of Elvis?
I first noticed Elvis on Model Mayhem. Elvis had posted a photo credited to Bowridge Green in the 18+ Photo Contest. In the photo Elvis sports bleached hair and poses fully nude on a rooftop. The photo was appealing technically as well as emotionally. I immediately knew I wanted to work with him.   

Was it difficult to schedule and how did you connect? 
We connected with Elvis through Model Mayhem. We were lucky that Elvis already had a stop planned in our area. Everything, including scheduling, was managed through Model Mayhem messages and email. While I find Model Mayhem to be a flawed platform, it worked out well in this instance. 

How much 'negotiation' is there when setting up concepts for a shoot? 
Elvis was a complete professional and very accommodating of our ideas and concepts. We always encourage collaboration during our shoots so we welcomed Elvis’s ideas, as well. Elvis was very confident in his body and our work so nudity was never an issue. Once we arrived at the studio he was naked in minutes. With some models it can take time for them to warm to the process or environment. None of this was an issue with Elvis.   

Tell me about the day of the shoot. 
Our normal studio was unavailable the day of our shoot so we worked in a smaller facility nearby. While the studio was physically smaller, the owner had a wide variety of furnishings that we had access to. The studio ultimately worked to our advantage as furnishings, such as the brightly colored bar stools, provided great foundations for select poses. When we picked up Elvis at a central meeting place, we were immediately struck by his  confidence and charisma. We were also, of course, struck by his physical beauty. Elvis was a complete professional and was ready to work after we made an obligatory stop at Starbucks for a little fortification. We worked for four hours and captured over 1,000 images. 

Tell me about Elvis as a model.
We encountered no conceit or prima-donna qualities while working with Elvis. Instead, Elvis was collaborative, patient, and engaging. Elvis inherently knew how to move and hold his body to highlight its best qualities. He took direction well, but could also improvise if needed. Elvis had amazing muscle strength and balance which were used to create some pretty cool shots. Elvis is a photographer himself and we suspect some of this awareness originates from his own work.   

Was there any hesitation with any of your ideas or fashion? 
There was no hesitation on Elvis’s part when it came to working through our ideas. His only request, which was not a problem for us, was that we not request poses which were overtly sexual in nature. 

What was his comfort level with shooting nude?
Elvis appeared to be 100% comfortable posing nude. At times, the studio owner was present as we worked. While I initially offered Elvis a robe to cover up with, or to otherwise shield his nudity, he wasn’t the least bit bothered at being nude in front of others and I soon gave up trying to protect his privacy.    

I've noticed you've used the wrestling singlet and ear coverings before.
I enjoy working with color and the singlet offers a punch of red that can work well in a shot. It also communicates a sort of hyper masculinity that can be fun to play around with visually.  

Elvis is clearly very fit, but I didn't know he was so acrobatic! 
Elvis shared that he’d trained in gymnastics and that he enjoyed balancing poses. This pose was something Elvis offered up on his own. I wouldn’t have known what to ask for! Unfortunately, the smaller studio space limited our opportunities to explore this much, but I saw later that he was able to use his training in similarly styled shots with other photographers.  

Did the fashions belong to Elvis, or did you provide them for the shoot?
We provided all the clothing, including the high-tops, for this shoot. I normally look for articles of clothing or other items that the model can have fun with and that might accent their personality or physique. With Elvis, I specifically tried to style the shoot so that his strong legs would remain exposed as they’re truly amazing. I don’t like to rely gimmicks or excessive props to carry our images. Sorry Elvis, but I kept all the clothing. Never know when I might need a kilt…

Your images are so clean.  How do you achieve this so consistently in all of your shoots. 
We’re drawn to images that highlight the subject through the use of imaginative lighting techniques, poses and a limited number of props or clothing items. For our work, we prefer to accent our images with little punches of color and find that too much can detract from the subject’s natural beauty. Bottom line, we’re photographing a person and the work they’ve done to develop their body. That will always be the focus for us. Any props, clothing items, etc. should almost be transparent to the viewer.

A TV Trend to Get Behind


When it comes to on-screen male nudity, viewers are often hard to please. This is especially true when it comes to the often scarce full frontal, Many complain there isn't enough male nudity in films and on television.  You can't really argue that when it comes to nudity, the nude bodies in question are usually female.  

I'm not really a complainer about the amount nudity on film, and especially on TV.  Growing up, watching TV in the eighties and nineties, there was little to skin to be seen, except for some quick flashes of butt on NYPD Blue.  Even HBO wasn't really the HBO it's become in the last two decades. Today, from my perspective, there's plenty of skin to be seen, especially if you know where to look. Sure, there are still far more women nude on screen than men, but there have been considerable changes over the last few year.

I don't even mind body doubles, not for butt shots, but for frontals.  My issue is how often the producers and the actors themselves spoil the mystery.  Some actors with films in their fantasy's, like to ensure it's known the penis in question wasn't actually attached to them.  What bothers me more than body doubles, is the increase in use of editing tricks and computer generated imagery.  It's rumored some of the nudity in HBO's Watchmen was created with CGI, and to me, I rather them not bother.  If you have to CGI in a body part, it might be better to just leave it out..

A trend I am liking however, is casting porn actors to show it all.  If you watch much television, you know penis shots are usually only done by day players and extras.  There are some exceptions, suck as Alfie Allen on Game of Thrones, but most full frontals that you see are not from the main cast.  Viewers of Euphoria know that most of season one's full frontals,  (and there were more than a few) were day player dicks.

It was a nice touch then, to cast porn actor Jayden Marcos to play Tyler in the second of the two Christmas episodes.  The shows were scaled down due to Covid, and each focused on just one character.  In Fuck Anyone Who's Not a Sea Blob, the story was focused on the journey of Jules.  Tyler was a small part of her journey, but hot one, and one that required a (dark) full frontal.  Many of you might know Jayden from his films, many from GayHoopla. 


There are a lot of hot guy in porn, and many have both acting experience, and acting dreams.  You could cast dozens of naked Frat boys from Sean Cody and Corbin Fisher alone.  You could cast an entire high school body from Bel-Ami, except that so many of the guys look the same.  I'm hoping HBO and other companies cut out the CGI and find actors or performers who are open to showing it all.  .

Big Brother Canada's Tychon Carter-Newman


Last year, Big Brother Canada was stopped early in the season when the pandemic took over the planet.  The show tried to stay on for a couple of weeks, but given so much was unknown so early in the show's season, they choose to end the season and send the houseguests home.

This year, after a successful, and safe edition of the US version completed, Canada decided to give it another try.  The show began last week, and I found the first two episodes on-line and watched over the weekend.  The show cast a very diverse group of players, including almost half being members of the LGBT community.  The first player given the boot was a trans woman from Vancouver was booted for being too quick to talk to too many people.

An early favorite for me is Montreal's Tychon Carter-Newman.  In addition to his great smile, and great body, I loved Tychon's intro video.  The basket ball player and urban planner loves the women in his life and I also loved the motivation behind his career in future planning.  I'm not sure I'm going to watch the show every week, but I'll be keeping my ey eon Tychon, and a couple of the other players, and let you know if anything interesting comes up...

Room With A View

Favorite Pic of the Day for March 9th

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