Channel: Favorite Hunks & Other Things
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Jean Shorts, A Diaper And An Overdue Appreciation


Earlier this year, I posted an Instagram shot of the delicious Cheyenne Jackson, (HERE:) in the middle of a what looked to be a pretty strenuous workout.   The shot reminded me of what first drew me to the stage and screen actor back when I saw him on the 2008 Tony Awards...  His incredible legs!  I think it was his performance from Xanadu, and his short jean shorts that first had me wanting to learn more about the talented actor.

When I posted the shot of Cheyenne and his hot legs this year, I mentioned being disappointed with his new shot Call Me Kat.  Although I love the entire cast, I tried the first two episodes, and found it really hard to watch.  A few weeks ago, I saw a promotional images of (below) of Cheyenne in a diaper.  Now, let me clear, I am not usually in to adults, even hot men like Cheyenne, wearing diapers.  I know for some it's a draw, but usually, I'm more turned off than on.

That being said, Cheyenne looked so damned hot, I had to search for the scene on-line.  I was looking for context of course...  I ended up watching the entire episode and I have to say Call Me Kat was slightly improved.  Cheyenne was as engaging and beautiful as ever, and the show had dropped, or at least lessoned, some of the more cringe worthy elements of the first couple of episodes that I'd seen.

Cheyenne by Doug Inglish

I hope the shot finds it's footing, and gets a second season, the entire cast is great, and some shows, sit-coms especially, need a season or two to work out the kinds.  I always think of the first season of Seinfeld, which paled in comparison to the shots later seasons.  Mom is another recent show that got much better after the first season or two.  Watching the episode gave me a long overdue appreciation of the qualities that first drew me to the actor close to 14 years ago. 

Cheyenne by Tony Duran

Hello Again (2017)

I hadn't heard of the 2017 musical Hello Again, until putting together this  piece.  After seeing the clip of Cheyenne with Audra McDonald, I may have to watch the whole things.

American Horror Story: Hotel (2015)

For some reason, Cheyenne's romp with Lady Gaga in AHS Hotel slid by me.  I saw the episode, but at the time it was the surprise of seeing Gaga's glorious glutes that grabbed my attention.  This was also the episode that Riverdale's Charles Melton showed his beautiful butt.  This time, it was Cheyenne's glorious backside that had my full, and undivided attention. 

Kendric Tonn: The Time In My Life


'It's hard to pick a favorite. All the pieces remind me of the models I worked with, and the time in my life when I was doing the pieces.'

While all graphic artists capture moments, the duration of these moments  can differ.  In each individual photograph, only a single moment is captured.  Although a shoot or project may go on for hours, and thousands of images shot, each image chronicles just one isolated split second of time.  For artists who art of choice is drawing or painting, the final product is a series of moments, often lasting hours, days and even weeks and months.

It makes sense then, that the impact of specific piece is broader than just moment that it's finished.  The experience is infused with everything going on during that time.  The is especially true for artists tuned in to the experiences of those around them.  The human experience has always been at the center of artist Kendric Tonn's work.   The Ohio based artist has always focused on issues, themes and stories we all struggle.  Through his focus on the human form, Kendric's goal is to weave in the feelings and emotions associated with these themes that are both universal, and relatable to so many of us.

'I was always fascinated by the figure. I knew from the start that was the core of my interest, and I ended up going to a painting school that focused on figurative work.  I do like working with both male and female models, but the male figure is, obviously, a main focus of mine. And, of course, a main interest of a lot of my collectors. '

Kendric's fascination with the human form, and the human condition, stems from many factors including his own struggle figuring out his life and direction.  After graduating with a BA in English from University in Tennessee, Kendric decided to take some time out to figure out what path he wanted for his future.  This journey included living in Japan for a year, travelling East Asia, teaching, and most of all, drawing.  This is when Kendric decided to seek formal artistic training. Kendric went on to study at the Florence Academy of Art, graduating in 2010.

'I was never one of the "art kids" in school, but for whatever reason, I started drawing and painting in college, and just kept it up until I got somewhere.  Out of school, I continued working with live models, a practice I still continue. Usually, whenever I find someone to work with, we'll continue collaborating almost indefinitely--until schedules no longer allow.'

When I first saw, and spent time with Kendric's work, I was struck by the richness of texture and depth that he incorporates into each of his pieces.  Kendric's work reminds me of  so many of the classic portraits I've seen hung in museums and mansions. Art, commissioned at a time when the subject sat for hours in order to ensure a fastidious and specific replication.  Art commissioned by the royalty and the rich, seem more about preserving a legacy or period of time more a specific moment or memory.

Time didn't seem as much as a factor then, patience and precision were the focus.  The goal wasn't so much to please the subject or model, but instead the person who commissioned the piece.  This is the person who will hang the finished art piece on their wall and make a statement to all who they allow to see and admire the work.  This form of art is passion driven, by both the artist, and the person who craves it's creation. 

Today we're much less patient, we want our art quick, and shipped within 48 hrs.  Those who enjoy Kendric's work hung in their homes, have both a passion for the human form, and the willingness to wait for exactly what they're looking for.  Kendric generally works on a figure for about 2-3 months, and puts in close to 50 hours with the model.  As far as his own time after than, Kendric doesn't keep track.  It differs with each individual piece.

Another piece of Kendric's work that differs with each painting is each models pose. It's important for both the artist, and the commissioning patron, it's important each piece be unique.  Not just the model, but the over all look and structure.  Having spent time modeling himself, Kendric is aware of the challenges of holding pose, and as well the dynamic visual the right model with the perfect pose can generate.  

'I've had a few notable commissions. Most memorable one was definitely a painting of a nude model, outdoors, with a horse. We, plus the horse handler, were out in a field painting on that one for several weeks. Some collectors have more input into models or subjects, and some just wait to see something that speaks to them. '

Kendric Tonn on Instagram

A Baker's Dozen: Samuel Boux Matt Kulisch


'Sam reminds me of an old soul living in a young man's body - he's very introspective and wise beyond his years. He's very secure with who he is and focused on realizing his dreams. '

I was first introduced to model and musician Samuel Boux by photographer Chris Teel in 2010.  Over the next three years,  I featured the Montreal based model ten times, showcasing his work with several different photographers.  There was something special about Samuel, something almost ethereal in his look, his poses, and his beautiful face.  There was also a bohemian vibe to Samuel's imagery, an expression of his free spirit from his nude body, his movements and and his expressive hazel eyes. 

One of my favorite pieces was one Samuel himself suggested.  In 2010's Métamorphose,  Samuel shared his struggles in school as a loner and outcast, and the steps he took to make changes in his life.  Samuel l also shared an older, almost unrecognizable image which highlighted both his physical, and spiritual transformation.  

Samuel by Matt Kulisch 

Samuel by Chris Teel

Near the End of the Seasonal Sightings


With Spring just around the corner, some people are tired of waiting.  As many of us know, spring doesn't necessarily mean the end of snow.  I have had to shovel around the barbeque a few times, even as late as May...

Favorite Pic of the Day for March 12th

Naked Attraction Italia

Episode 1

I first noticed blonde Adonis Matteo on Casperfan last month.  I had watched a few versions of the show, but didn't know an Italian version premiered this year.  Certainly the show knew what they were doing by starting out with Matteo.  The show is in Italian, and part of me wished there had been English captions.  Part of me was glad they didn't.  Without them, I could could pretend the wavy haired Matteo was exactly who I wanted him to ben.

Sure, I spent a fair bit of time checking out Matteo's lovely penis and beautiful butt, but I found myself focused on his face and hair.  I love his mouth and nose and the structure of his face.  I also love his wavy thick hair, both on his head, and above his penis.  

It's interesting seeing nude men from other cultures and other parts of the world.  Of course guys everywhere make the choice to shave or not, but it sort of seems that Italian men might be more included to let grow au natural. 

I was also struck by the body tattoos on the Italian contestants, both male and female.  I think I chose the three men I'm featuring here due to their lack of tats.  I love a great tattoo on a hot guy, but it seemed watching the shows first 5 episodes, that so many of the men, and even more so the women, had many tattoos all over their bodies.  I'm still on the fence about multiple tattoos, on most bodies anyway.  If tattoos are in a part, a unique artistic expression, it seems you lose a bit of the impact, when you where too many.  

Episode 3

I didn't catch this cutie's name from the shows second episode.  At least the female contestant seemed disappointed in her choice when she saw his adorable face and smile.

Episode 4

'Marco is a handsome guy but most of the girls he went out with didn't appreciate him physically and in intimacy.'

The girls might not have appreciated episode 4's Marco, but from watching the show, I certainly appreciate his charms, and his perfectly round behind.

Media Men: Lucas Hall


Sometimes when you meander around the web you scroll for hours without seeing anything exciting.  Other times, you wander into something fun, sexy and especially unique.  Lucas Hall's Twitter is all of those things and more.  The 21 year old video creator says his videos are all about exploration, of both himself, and the world around them. 

Hall's videos have a theme.  They include both Lucas alone, and Hall with some of his buddies, going from fully dressed, to completely naked, in a split second video edit.  His goal, to keep creating new and boundary pushing ways to express himself through his videos.   Hall shares a lot on his Twitter (HERE:) but also has an OnlyFans (HERE:) which goes a lot further.  You can sample more of his content on his free OnlyFans preview page by checking out his link page on his Instagram HERE:

Seasonal Sightings


Obviously a little March snow didn't get in the way of arm day!

Happy Birthday today March 13th


Happy Birthday to actor Brandon Ruckdashel!

Check out more or Brandon on FHHERE:
& More of today's BIRTHDAYS HERE:

Favorite Pic of the Day for March 13th

A Shower Beckons


In a corporate-controlled future, an ultra-violent sport known as Rollerball represents the world, and one of its powerful athletes is out to defy those who want him out of the game.

A few months ago I started watching my DVR recording of Rollerball.  I recorded the 1975 film when it aired one late night on TCM.  I got a few minutes in and was going to stop watching when there was a shower scene.  The scene was quick, just a bit of nudity from some extra's, but the hairy chests of stars James Caan and John Beck lured me into watching a bit longer.

I'm not familiar with much of John Beck's work except for seeing him on Dallas when I used to watch the repeats on the old Nashville Network in the late 90's.  I'd seen some of the prime time soap when I was kid when my parents used to watch, but wasn't until it's airing on TNN that got to see the entire series.

Battle of the Network Stars


I didn't really take notice of John Beck during his time on the series, in fact, I think I remember finding him rather unappealing.  I was mostly into younger guys then, and his hairy chest did little for me at the time.  Now that I'm a bit older, I have gained an appreciation for certain men I overlooked when I was in my teens and twenties.  Watching Rollerball, for the first time, I found both Beck and Caan incredibly sexy. 

Although John's in another shower in the Dallas scene below,  it was one of the show's many 'fake' scenes filmed to throw audiences off. Although it was before everyone had a computer, the tabloids often spoiled story lines, so they often shot fake scenes to leak to them and throw them off.  Beck stripped off and jumped in the shower to throw off viewers that it would be Bobby returning to the show in a shower scene. 

Rollerball (1975)

Way, Shape or Form: Everson by Lite Fusion


'I am a lover and creator of the arts. It delights me to share that which I find beautiful and inspiring. Life to me is about joy, sharing it and sharing any that makes life more enjoyable for others. I hope my art and photography continues work in that way,'
Steven, Lite Fusion

I often say that my love for an artist's work begins with one image.  In the case of Steven from Lite Fusion, it began with the shot of Everson I used at the top of the page as the pic of the day.  I loved everything about the image when I first saw it on Model Mayhem.  I loved Everson's look, his glasses and ponytail, I loved the side pose, the curve of his back, his hand position and how Steven lit and framed the image.  I headed to Steven's portfolio to check out more.

When I got to Steven's page, I wasn't surprised to see dozens of images of the human form all with a focus on body curves and form.  I was a bit surprised, that almost all of those forms, belonged to women.  I appreciate the female form, especially the beautiful lines and curves it creates.  My love of the human form in art actually began with my passion for images of the female form that I grew up seeing in advertising and in magazines.  It is still rare however, to discover artists who shoot both men and women, especially with the same passion and focus on form that I saw in Steven's work with Everson. 

'While I work with mostly female models, I have always seen the beauty in all human form. I am well aware of the artistic presentation of the human form in Greek and Roman sculpture and art. The expression of beauty from antiquity has been the highest of ideals...and a challenge for the modern world. Prior to shooting with Everson I worked only with 2 or 3 male models and doing both fashion and some artistic nudes with these models. Part of the reason is the seeming prevalence of woman who are interested in modeling. '

In addition to the focus on form, I also loved the elements of Everson's personality that I perceived from that first image that I saw.  Steven shares one of the interesting parts of his work, is capturing the character of the person he's shooting.  I have no idea whether Everson is a musician or a compute nerd, or maybe both, through Steven's lens, he looked incredibly cool, and very relaxed posing fully nude.  Everson's fit and lean physique creates beautiful clean lines,. I also noted a contrast with his beautiful long hair and facial hair, with his mostly clean shaven look below.  I don't really know why this struck me, but I liked that Everson seemed to pay such close attention to every inch of of his body, and every detail of his appearance.

'I started doing photography on a regular basis in 2007. My desire was always to capture the beauty of the human form and share the energy and expression of the human spirit. Part of my personal challenge was my own inhibition, and diminishing the sense of the "taboo" from nude and erotic expression. And while I create fashion and other forms of photography, the expression of the nude form, particularly in nature itself was and is my main interest. The journey has ultimately taken me from "idolizing" just physical beauty to truly appreciating the people who I photograph in the completeness of who they are. And that is a big step into seeing the value of each person with whom I work.'

As far as how Steven connected with Everson, we can thank one of Steven's female models for the introduction.  She and Steven had worked together several times, and following one of their shoots, they decided to a couples shoot with her boyfriend Everson.  The relationship eventually came to a close, but Steven stayed in contact with Everson and they did a few additional shoots together, both fashion and erotic. 

'Everson has a sense of cool confidence which I wanted to capture. And the erotic aspects of the shoot definitely demonstrate confidence in his masculinity and personal charisma.'

'Confidence, certainty, empowerment and good energy are really the characteristics that I like to share in my photographs of both male and female models. People are spiritual, but that invisible spirit becomes visible in the way the present themselves...in the expression of their form. It is that good energy, that dazzling chemistry which to me makes the photo worth viewing.  

After shooting with his girlfriend, I did another shoot with Everson  and a female model (who was a friend of his). When we got to the nude part of the shoot, you might say he couldn't hide his enthusiasm for her anymore. She was a bit uncomfortable for a second when she saw him in his fully nude "glory." But his wit quickly broke the ice with some humor putting her at ease.'

Attrazione Nuda


'For Matteo the physical appearance of a girl is fundamental, it is the first thing he looks at ... Naked Attraction for him is an opportunity to start directly from the body...'

I guess when you're as handsome as Matteo, you can get away with a focus on body.  Certainly, many viewers of Naked Attraction Italia, and those who found a way to watchin on-line...  were focused on his...  Check out more of Matteo and some of my favorite guys from the first season on the NEXT PAGE HERE:

Happy Birthday today March 14th


Happy 64th to actor Russell Todd!

See more of Russell on FHHERE: 
& More of today's BIRTHDAYS HERE:

Favorite Pic of the Day for March 14th

12 Days: Hunger (2008)


' Irish republican Bobby Sands leads the inmates of a Northern Irish prison in a hunger strike.'

Normally when I choose a holiday movie for the 12 Days series, I pick a light, fun, sexy film.  A little male nudity is required, but I usually don't go that heavy.  There aren't really that many choices for St. Paddy's movies, but I remembered a film I saw a few years ago set in an Irish prison.  2008's Hunger features many Irish actors, including Michael Fassbender.  The film was directed by Steve McQueen.  McQueen is known for serious dramas and previously directed 12 Years A Slave.  McQueen went on to also direct Fassbender in Shame in 2011.

McQueen and Fassbender

Hunger premiered at the 2008 Cannes Film Festival, winning the prestigious Caméra d'Or award and  went on to win the Sydney Film Prize at the Sydney Film Festival, the Grand Prix of the Belgian Syndicate of Cinema Critics, best picture from the Evening Standard British Film Awards, and received two BAFTA nominations, winning one. The film was also nominated for eight awards at the 2009 IFTAs, winning six at the event. 

In the film, Fassbender stars as Bobby Sands, a Provisional Irish Republican Army (IRA) member who led the second IRA hunger strike and participated in the no wash protest in which the  Irish republican prisoners tried to regain political status after it had been revoked by the British government in 1976. It outlines events in the Maze Prison in the period leading up to the hunger strike and its aftermath.

Michael Fassbender (Bobby)

There is nothing erotic or sexy about the nudity in Hunger.  It's brutal, and many scenes are difficult to watch.  Three years before Shame, Fassbender did have several full frontals in Hunger, but all were quick flashes as he was being dragged or beaten by the prison's guards.  

Davey and Gerry

One of the interesting relationships in Hunger was between Davey (Brian Milligan) and Davey. (Liam McMahon. Both Irish actors also had nude several nude scenes in the films.  Like Fassbender, many of the scenes were pretty violent, but there were two that I felt ok capping and making shot clips of. 

Brian Milligan (Davey)

Although from Northern Ireland, Milligan has appeared in several projects both in Ireland, and in the US that you may be familiar with. Some of Milligan's other credits include the 2010 film Leap Year as well as several episodes of the television show Quantico

Liam McMahon (Gerry)

In addition to his role in Hunger, Liam McMahon has also appeared in; Coronation Street, The Borgias, The Tudors as well as co-starring along side Brad Pitt in Snatch. (2000)

Instagrams that Inspire: Rhys McClenaghan


'Once you get past seven or eight burpees, it does get quite tiring! I was doing an endurance circuit in my garden and put them in because it's such a great exercise as it covers all aspects of the body.'

When it comes to my favorite Irish athletes, there's none more adorable than gymnast Rhys McClenaghan. The Northern Ireland gymnast became the first Irish gymnast to qualify for a world championships..  McClenaghan picked up a bronze on pommel horse making him the first Irish athlete to also win a medal.

In addition to his medal at worlds, the 21 year old McClenaghan is the first Irish gymnast to compete in a European final and also the first to win a European medal. McClenaghan is currently training in Dublin with a focus on this summer's Tokyo Olympics. 

FaVorites: Sean O'Flanagan 💚


'The Irish name O-flanagan was originally written in a Gaelic form as "O Flannagain," from the word "flann," which means "red" or "ruddy." Collectively the name means "descendants of the red-complexioned man.'

Although O'Flanagan may be a fairly common Irish name, there's certainly nothing common about model  Sean O'Flanagan. The lil' Irish bear currently lives and works in London working as both a model and an actor. Although Sean's hair maybe brown, you can certainly sense his sexy ruddy roots.

Sean by Darren Black

Image below by fdphoto

Sean by Gabriel Goldberg

A Vintage Vantage:

Favorite Pic of the Day for March 16th

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