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Favorite Pic of the Day for May 6th

Nothing Short of Amazing: Lester by takeapic4u


'Lester is from Liberia, West Africa.  He is passionate about fitness nut and wants to inspire everyone to be more healthy and fit. He works out endlessly and helps others in their path to having better bodies.'  I loved shooting him!'

The last time I featured the work of Dave Larson, (takeapic4u) was last Halloween. Dave introduced us to the sexy, but sinister Colton on a dark and deadly rural country round. (HERE:)  This shoot, although equally sexy, is much less sinister, and occurs in the bright light of day.  I'm sure the stunning Lester would look great by moonlight, I love how the light from the sun cascades over his beautiful skin and incredible body.

From this series of images, Lester looks like a natural in front of the camera.  He exudes such strength, confidence and erotic energy you might be surprised that this was one of his first professional shoots.  Dave discovered Lester's profile on Model Mayhem but the only images in Lester's port were a few selfies.  Still, the Iowa photographer saw something that held his attention and knew Lester had had something special that he wanted explore and capture.

Given Lester didn't have any professional images on his port, Dave wasn't quite sure what to expect from their work, but decided to message him and ask if he was interested in adding some creative and unique images to his port.  Lester called him back and they spoke for awhile about what each hoped to get out of their time together.  Dave already knew Lester was visually compelling, but during their conversations, he also found him incredibly interesting during their discussions. 

Given my own fascination with process, I was fascinated with how things progressed from that initial conversation, through the creation of the final images you see here.  Given Lester was relatively new to modeling, especially nude modeling, I asked Dave to share how everything came together.  Lester enjoys being in front of the camera, and showing of the years of hard work he put into his body, and as you can see, things came together beautifully. 

Tell me about the commination before you got together? 
One thing I always discuss with models that I may shoot with is their comfort with their bodies and with shooting nudes. I find that many say, oh yeah, no problem, but what they mean is no. So to find out, I require a full front and full side shot fully nude in advance. At that point, I have already decided that I am interested in shooting the model, but they need to prove their comfort in sharing their bodies fully nude. I don't really care what it all looks like. Models that are really confident/comfortable have no issue with this and it makes all the difference in the world going forward. 

Did Lester have any boundaries for the shoot? 
Nudity for Lester was completely a non-issue...and frankly...look at him...he has NO reason to be shy. His physique is nothing short of amazing, and at least in my opinion, a lot to be proud of. He was not interested in anything erotic per se...nudity was no problem to show of his whole body, but nothing overtly sexual, and that was not a problem, but I think many might find some of his photos to be very erotic and we are so sorry if some may lead to fantasies... :) 

What were your first impressions upon meeting Lester? 
The trick was distance.  At the time, Lester in Duluth Minnesota. That is probably 7 hours from where I live. He didn't have reliable transportation, so he got a bus ticket. I had to pick him up about an hour and a half from where I live at about 2 am.  When I picked up him, he said 'Hi' at the bus stop, then climbed in the car and fell asleep...ha. 

In the morning he was ready to work and we worked and shot all day until evening...it was the single longest I have shot a model with only a couple of short breaks...most don't have the stamina for it...Lester did, and his last shots are as good if not better than the morning shots. He is a machine. We needed to make the most of his long travel time and complexity of getting him to the shoot. 

I had ideas and Lester had the face and body...we worked really well together and we just went with the flow, most was very organic. He had brought a few things as props and underwear, stuff like that. The rest all just fell together nicely. Did you shoot more than one time? I sent Lester home on the bus after the shoot and have kept in touch with a plan to shoot again, hopefully soon, but life has taken him on quite a journey and he is now based in Denver and I am in central Iowa...so at least a 12 hour drive. We hope the stars will align again and allow us to make some more amazing images together. 

Do you remember his reaction to seeing the finished shots? 
One of my favorite things is to work with a new model and after capturing them with the camera, to show them what I see...most have no idea how incredible they look. Lester knew he had a great body, he had worked on getting it that way for a long time...he was breathless when I showed him what I could see through the camera...he was shocked at how good he looked. The best and most rewording of any photo shoot really. Feedback from viewers and peers means a lot too...but to see a model, that has never done this before, and especially if they were hesitant or shy, to be almost in tears or doubting that the image is really them...its all gravy, and honestly more of a reason for me to do it than any other. I love that.

Quaternate: NICKET


The first time I featured the work of Santa Cruz based photographer Nicholas, (NICKET) was back in 2013.  I was sent on his images by two different models, Raditty and Andrew, whose work I was spotlighting.  I loved Nicolas' work, especially his unique choice of models and and how deftly he was able to capture not only their beauty, but their energy and personalities as well.


One of the was Nicholas  accomplished this was through location work.  Nicholas almost seemed to let his model's 'loose' in their environments, and then captured as they interacted, explored, ran, climbed and even danced within their surroundings.  One of the models Nicholas worked with that I've featured the most was Zach, a model who first appeared on FH in 2015.  You can check out more of Zach, from a new series not featured before, on the NEXT PAGE HERE:



2017 / 2018 





Simon MacCorkindale in Death On The Nile


As Hercule Poirot enjoys a luxurious cruise down the Nile, a newlywed heiress is found murdered on board. Can Poirot identify the killer before the ship reaches the end of its journey?

I didn't initially DVR 1979's Death On The Nile because of actor Simon MacCorkindale, that was just a bonus.  I recorded it as I was shocked that I didn't know Maggie Smith, Bettte Davis and Angela Lansbury all appeared together in the same film!  The all-star cast not only includes Simon but also; Mia Farrow, Lois Chiles, David Niven and Peter Ustinov.   The delicious actor Jon Finch is also aboard the ship.  I featured what I believe is Finch's only nude scene HERE:

The movie is pure camp with Davis, Smith, Lansbury and company hamming it up.  I'm not really sure I've ever seen an Agatha Christie movie before, I may have years ago, but not that really remember. I do remember reading some of her plays in high school drama, but was a bit surprised at how over the top some of the scenes were.

It was an enjoyable journey down the Nile though, especially due to the great cast and their performances.  I think this was also the first time I've actually seen actor Simon MacCorkindale on film.   I of course knew who he was, but wasn't really over familiar with his work.  I mostly  knew him through promotional images from his television appearance.  The English actor had an impressive film career prior to his appearances on American television.

I remember after his death, I did a small R.I.P post on the site. After the post, I received a couple of e-mails asking that I do a more in depth post on the handsome actor.  I started one, but given I hadn't really seen Simon in anything, put it on pause.  After seeing him Death On The Nile, I thought it time to start it again.  Check out more of Simon on the NEXT PAGE which includes his two brief butt baring scenes on film.

Death On The Nile

Happy Birthday today May 7th

Favorite Pic of the Day for May 7th

12 Days: Peter Fox: in Mother's Day


Two brothers kidnap and brutalize three women for the pleasure of their demented mother.

I wasn't expecting much when I went looking for an actor and movie for a 12 Days Mother's Day post.  I was pleasantly surprised.  Given my love of the weaving of holidays with horror, I was especially happy to find this scene from the 1980 horror flick Mother's Day.

Actor Peter Fox made his film debut in 1977's  Airport 77.  He went on to guest star on a variety of shows and movies in the seventies and eighties including; The Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew Mysteries, Eight is Enough, Family and Hill Street Blues.  He also guested on the very short lived Manimal, starring Simon MacCordinale who I feature earlier this week. Fox also had regular roles on Delta House, The Waltons and  Knots Landing,  

'It's a beautiful night for our first ever asshole invitational.'

In Mother's Day, Fox plays 'The Dobber', a hot to trot baseball player who gets a little ahead of himself in this embarrassment scene from the film.  Fox worked more sporadically in the 90's, and little in the 2000's.  He seems to be embarking on a comeback however, with a TV movie currently in post production and due for future release. 

Room 118 by Studio1x



This Mother's Day, the first one that I've spent all alone, I want to be indulged. I don't want sex, at least not yet, but I do want to be gratified.  I want you to spoil me, pamper me and meet all of my needs. Most of all, I want you to do it all.... completely naked.'


When Dex entered room 118, he saw the note above taped to the top of the box left on his bed.   Inside the box, there were lotions and creams, massage oils and a bottle of nail polish.  Dex wasn't exactly sure how to feel.  He was excited for sure, he always thought Mrs. Thompson, Sheila was hot, but given her son Lawrence had been his best friend since grade 1 it wasn't exactly something he talked about with anyone.

He could tell she liked him as well, but he never dared to think it was beyond just thinking he was a good kid.  She always welcomed him into her home, gave him extra portions when he stayed for dinner, and always managed to find a minute to ask how he was whenever she saw him.  Recently, he started to suspect it might be a bit more.

The last time he spent the night at Lawrence's house, she was especially friendly.  He remembered being surprised about how happy she was, especially given she and her husband had only recently broken up.  She hung out with he and Laurence in the basement, laughed at their jokes, and made a point of telling him, when Lawrence was out of the room, how handsome he was becoming.

Looking back, the biggest hint came in the middle of the night.  He was in a sleeping bag on the floor of Lawrence's room and got up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom.  He peeked down the hall, and seeing it was clear, walked down in his briefs chancing Sheila was fast asleep.  As he was heading into the bathroom, he saw her sitting  in a chair in the corner of the living room.  She looked straight at him and smiled.  Embarrassed, he headed quickly into the bathroom and shut the door.

When he was finished, he slowly opened the door and peaked out thinking she would have gone back to bed and given him some privacy.  She hadn't.  She was still in the same chair, staring straight at him, the smile still on her face. He stood for a brief second, excited, but also sort of shocked.  H quickly bolted back to Lawrence's room and dove into his sleeping bag.  He was hard as a rock, but with Lawrence a few inches away, he had to suppress his urge for release.

Release was certainly top of mind on this Mother's Day as well, but like that late night a few weeks ago, it would have to be temporarily delayed.  The priority of the moment was Sheila, massaging her body, painting her toe nails and fulfilling her needs.  Despite requesting he be completely naked, Sheila kept her flowered dress on the entire time.  She did end her Mother's Day escape by telling Dex that the next time they got together would be on his birthday next month.  This time she assured, the wishes would be all his.

Thanks to fantasy fulfillers Dex and Sweetness, and photographer Studio1x for helping to create this Mother's Day (or in this case, his best friend's  mother' day) exceptionally erotically gratifying!

Mother! Oh God, Mother!


'Well, a boy's beast friend is his mother.'

When I was looking around for iconic 'movie mothers' for today, one in particular continued to pop up. As most of you know however, Mrs. Bates in 1960's Psycho didn't actually even exist.  Norma was actually Norman, and this particular mother had stopped making sandwiches and Tang for her boy years before Marian Crane pulled up to the Bates Motel.  

I did however still want to honor Norma/Norman with a few images of Anthony Perkins.  Perkins had a hot body, something that went mostly unnoticed in his signature role. Perkins is a fascinating actor to read about and one of these days I'll have to pick up one of the books written about him.  With titles like 'Split Image; and  'A Haunted Life', Perkins might just have a few of the same character traits as Norman. 

A google search led me to Perkins one and only nude scene, a brief butt baring in 1971's La décade prodigieuse .(Ten Days Wonder)  It was hard to find a decent copy on-line, but there was a version, and  a few clips on Daily Motion that I was able to download and cap.

Ten Days Wonder (1971)

Seasonal Sightings


Although Covid has put a damper on Mother's Day themed hen parties this year, here's hoping next year they'll a rousing comeback!

Favorite Pic of the Day for May 8th

Achillias: Facing the Consequences


Floris tried everything to get out of it.  He pleaded desperately with his girlfriend, but there was no other way. It was time to face the music, and his girlfriend's furious mother...

It started the day his girlfriend Kara first introduced them.  She'd warned him that her mother was a bitch, but he thought he could charm her.  He was wrong.  Christina wasn't the kind to be charmed and she didn't suffer fools.  Having raised Kara on her own, after years of her husband's verbal abuse and cheating, she could spot a man whore a mile away.

Christina warned Floris that first night over dinner.  She didn't mince words, she let him know clearly that if he hurt her daughter, she'd make him pay, hard.  Floris could usually flirt himself out of any situation, but there was no getting around Christina.  Whenever they were together, she looked right through him, she knew when he was bullshitting, and always called him out.

Christina knew Floris cheated on her daughter even before Kara had a clue.  Christina also knew Kara would never leave him, but that didn't mean she wasn't going to try.  When she confronted the couple with the truth, true to form Kara stuck by her man.  Sure she was hurt and angry, but her love and blind devotion to Floris didn't waiver.

Christina had expected this, but wasn't planning on letting Floris off the hook.  She had a plan, and laid it out to Floris and Kara.  Christina was screwed, and no matter which option they chose, she be in the winner's seat.

'Kara, tomorrow is Mother's Day.  If you want to give me a gift, and f you insist on staying with this cheating loser, than as your mother... I'll be the one to dole out the punishment to the filthy lying bastard.'

Both Floris and Kara new what her punishment would be, she told him constantly, how he deserved to be put over knee and spanked.  They also knew, she wasn't joking.  Christina gave them a day to think about it, but warned them that if Floris didn't show up at her condo the following afternoon, Kara would be cut off forever.

Christina held all the cards.  Kara was sweet, but not really that smart.  She been living off her mother's fortune all of her life.  Christina paid for her rent, her clothes, her tips and spending money and for the last year and half, was also supporting Floris.  Floris had a bright future, but as student, had no money of his own.  His family had no money and he only was only in medical school because Christina called in a few favors and offered to pay his tuition.  He lived in Kara's condo and everything he eat, wore or possessed was paid by her mother.

The Saturday night before Mother's Day was a tense one for Kara and Floris.  They talked, argued and yelled their way through each and every option.  It was really just a waste of time.  Although they 'pretended' to come to a decision, they'd both known from the beginning that there was only really one choice.  Floris had to face the music, and face Christina the following afternoon.

As directed, Floris called called Christina the following morning, and informed her he'd be there.  He could feel Christina's satisfaction through the phone.  She told him him to be there at 2pm sharp,gave him his instructions, and to keep his mouth shut and face the consequences of his actions.

Except for Christina's 'Come In'  after his knock on the door, there were no words exchanged Floris arrived.  He knew he had to walk in, strip naked in front of her, and take her wrath, and her hand.  Floris anticipated a little pain, and a lot of humiliation, what he didn't expect however, was how turned on he'd become. 

Floris felt his erection pop up the moment Christina's had first hit his ass, and only intensified as his punishment went on.  Christina felt it as well and it only added to the intensity of her smacks, and her enjoyment of his moans.  

When it was finally over, Floris crawled over to where he dropped his clothes.  Christina snapped at him to stop, and told him to pick them up and get out.  She said he could get dressed out in the hallway.  As Floris was leaving, Christina said she' hoped he'd learned his lesson, and that this would be the last time she'd have to dole out a punishment.  Both knew of course, that this was just the first many future consequence inspired encounters. 

A big thanks to Achilliasto brining Floris and Christina's story to life!  Given his excellence with visual storytelling, I knew Achillias was the perfect artist to capture the 'spirit' of Christina's Mother's Day revenge.

Den Mother


You were sure she wasn't coming....   

Sure, Sheila usually chaperoned most of the teams road games, but you didn't expect her on this particular trip.  Recently separated from her husband, the team's assistance coach, you would have bet she would have stayed at home. Add to that, her son, and your best friend, wasn't going be in the net as goalie for this finals tournament.  He was back at home laid up with a knee injury. Why wasn't she home taking care of him?  

There she was though, standing too greet you, a big smile on her face when you arrived to get on the bus.  You feel her eyes on you the entire trip, even without turning back to look.  To top it off, you ended up with a motel room all to yourself, something that rarely happens on road trips.  If you didn't already know she planned it, it was confirmed when she followed you into the elevator. She didn't ask, but simply stated that after she got the rest of the team settled in, she'd be up for a visit.  She smiled again and told you to be ready.  Head on up to room 118 on the NEXT PAGE HERE:

Mother's Nature


Although my dad used to often call my mom 'mother', I'm not really a fan of sexualizing family relationships.   Yeah, I know many photographers, especially those shooting twins, love to sexualize the relationship through art.  Even when well done however, it's just not my thing..  Maybe it's my line of work, but I've seen the impact of dysfunctional family boundaries, and there's really nothing sexy about it...

That being said, this is FH, and in my quest to weave each and every holiday with hot naked men, I had to find a way.  That's why, this, like past Mother's Days on the site, the visuals and stories are focused not on our own, but other people's mothers.  Mother-in-laws, the mothers of our best friends, our girl friends mothers, and various other hot MILFS from movies and media. 

My mother used to love romance novels, and our home was filled with piles of books, often with some pretty racy covers.  Those visuals of beautiful women with often shirtless handsome men, were a big part of my childhood.

Given hot and often horney women are in focus, it's not a surprise my 'mother's day' pieces also include a lot of CFNM themed imagery.  Although I enjoy a great CMNM shot, there's is something especially fascinating to me about CFNM images.

Check out some of my previous MILF focused posts HERE:



'Thanks for helping me bloom!'

Happy Mother's Day🌻 to all those celebrating, together or virtually with their mother's today.  

Special thoughts to all those who have lost their mothers, never really had one, or had a mother who just wasn't able to meet your needs.  I know this day can be particularly poignant for you.  These flowers, and the hottie holding them, are especially for you.

Favorite Pic of the Day for May 9th

Blast from the Past: Michael O'Keefe


I've featured actor Michael O'Keefe previously on FH, but it was in a piece looking back at 1980's Caddyshack.  I've never put the talented actor alone in the spotlight.  During the 90's and 2000's O'Keefe was a fixture on television with appearances on shows including: The West Wing, Law and Order, Life's Work and CSI.  Many, like myself, got to know O'Keefe from his turn as Jackie's boyfriend Fred on Roseanne.

O'Keefe actually began his career in the early 70's and appeared in shows like; The Waltons, Maude, Phyllis and M*A*S*H. O'Keefe also had a string of films successful films in the 70's and 80's including one of his most well known roles, as Danny in Caddyshack

The Great Santini (1979)

It was another 80's flick that inspired this post however, a movie I hadn't seen or heard about until last week.  Thanks to poster Hawthorne on DC, I was introduced to O'Keefe's turn in the 1984 film Finders Keepers.  The scene is quick,  just the briefest flash of butt, but it was notable none the less as I believe it's the actors only on screen nudity.

Roseanne (1993-1995)

Fred : How many men did you date before we met? 
Jackie  : [chuckling] Well, Fred, don't worry... it's not that many. I'd - I'd saaay - three a year. 
Fred : Since you were, what, eighteen? 
Jackie: [getting defensive] Well, Fred! It's not *that* many! Three a year for 20 years is, 60 - wow. 
Fred : Gawd... I don't even *know* 60 people. 
Jackie : Well, I didn't *know* all of them.

Caddyshack (1980)

'Guess I'm a little overdressed?'
Danny Noonan

O'Keefe with actor Scott Colomby 

In addition to looking hot in his tighty whities, this scene from Caddyshack was even hotter given O'Keefe was sporting an erection. 

Finders Keepers (1984)

'On the run from the police and a female roller derby team, scam artist Michael Rangeloff steals a coffin and boards a train, pretending to be a soldier bringing home a dead war buddy. The train ride turns into far more than Michael bargains for.

Taking Everything In: Gaston by Implicit Ditto


'People say I’m more quiet in person than they’d expect me to be. I think that’s because I am always taking everything in. One little detail can ruin an otherwise good shot for me. Like a twist in my jockstrap—ha! Silly I guess, but I get caught up on details like that.'

Given my love great imagery, especially when it's focused on the male form, I've become fairly astute at detecting the motives behind an image or shoot.  Some artists don't really try to hide their intention to simply narrowly focus on body parts, usually one body part in particular.  Other artists,  the ones that I'm drawn to, and usually feature, have a broader focus. They look to capture not only a great body, but a piece or fragment of the man within.  They consider the overall visual,  the model directly right in front of them, as well as every detail which surrounds them..

While browsing Instagram last month, my quick scrolling came to a halt when I spotted one of Mike's  (Implicit Ditto) images of Gaston.  I was drawn in by not just one, but the San Francisco based artists attention to every detail within the visual.  I think the vibrant red in Gaston's plaid shirt first drew my eye, quickly followed by his handsome face and his incredibly hot and hairy chest and legs. 

It didn't stop there however, my attention remained transfixed, not only on Gaston, but on the location, lights and body of water behind him.  Gaston's surroundings were almost as alluring as he was, and at first, I was sure it must be a fake background, brought through life by Mike with good lighting and editing.  I of course, had to find out more. 

Just as I couldn't scroll past Mike's image, Mike also stopped on Instagram to compliment Gaston on his profile and images.  Mike also welcomed Gaston to get in touch if he was ever near the Bay Area and wanted to shoot.  As luck would have it, a few months later Gaston was going to close for a family affair.  His time however was limited, so Mike suggested a night shoot.  Mike usually plans his shoots for the daytime hours, and relies on natural light, but given the color and textures of the cities lights, he thought t his would be the perfect opportunity to explore night shooting and test the combination of physique and the city's lights. 

'It's almost always cool or chilly at night in San Francisco except for a rare heat wave. So the model will need to get in and out of clothes quickly. Then they need to stand completely still when shooting as a longer shutter speed of a couple seconds long is required for this kind of shot. Finding somewhere somewhat private is tremendously challenging, so lots of time is spent driving around trying to find a spot that might work. To compound that, unfortunately there are very few places in a large city that don't have either security personnel roaming around or security cameras pointing in every direction. We lucked out in a couple spots and I'm excited about what we were able to capture in the little time we had together.'

Unfortunately, as Mike predicted, the night of the shoot was pretty chilly.  Gaston was freezing.  Although it was cold, it was a nice November evening, meaning that in addition to the cold temperatures, Mike and Gaston had to deal with the many people out for their evening waterfront walks. Despite the challenges, Gaston managed not only to enjoy himself, but also proved a nice distraction from some of the stressors in his life.

'There I was sitting on a roof of a parking structure in a jockstrap. In most photos you sort of have to flex without making it seem like you're flexing— here I had to make it seem like I was not freezing my ass off. We did some shots by the water with my pants down. Again I’m not shy, but it’s always a little nerve racking when people approach or pass by. Most of the time people are unfazed. Especially in places like San Francisco. 

I am very critical of photos of myself, I guess most of us are, but I’m a Virgo which I think compounds the issue. The weekend we did this shoot was the weekend of my brother’s wedding, and I was his best man. I was planning wedding morning breakfasts, coordinating 100 things, so it was good for me to take some time away from that— it’s easy to clear your head when you’re focusing on the shoot, the pose, the angles, etc. '

DrDerrol: Back on Track


'So there we were, taking nude pics out in the Salton Sea Desert Area and found this train just sitting on the tracks...so of course I had to hop up there and snap a few shots!'

Normally at this time of year, DrDerrol is organizing dates for his summer trip home to Maine.  I've been fortunate that Derrol has chronicled and shared his adventures through images and selfies, especially his naked hikes through the Maine woods. (HERE)  Last year, as with so many, Derrol's trip had to be put on hold. Thanks to Covid, last summer marked the first time in 25 years that Derrol hadn't made it back home.

Although he could hike through Maine last summer, Derrol still managed to find some quiet places to hike, this time closer to his home in Southern California.  This series was taken by a friend of Derrol's that he was hiking with. Derrol decided to put his hiking buddy to work.  Although his friend was straight, and hadn't photographed anyone naked before, given the location, there were certain shots and areas, where selfies weren't really an option,.  Thanks to Derrol, and his friend! 

Room With A View

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