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Favorite Pic of the Day for May 11th

Oops She did it Again...


We can thank Jacqueline Bisset.....

Sooo... I've featured actor Jon Voight in the past, usually around award season time.  Given FH's naked salute to the nominee's, I've often featured Voight, who most recently has been EMMY nominated for his role on Ray Donovan.  

End of the Game (1975)

When a Swiss cop is murdered, a veteran homicide inspector and a rookie are assigned to solve the case but they are obstructed by interfering Swiss politicians.

I have usually tried to look past a subject's personal views, especially for award posts and have usually featured caps from Voight's turn in 1969's  Midnight Cowboy, (HERE:)  a movie I caught on television and enjoyed a few years ago. A couple of years ago, I also featured Voight on the 4th of July celebrating his nude scene in 1973's All-American Boy. (HERE:)

I thought my days of featuring Voight's on-screen nudity was done.  Partly due to his political views, and also because, I thought I'd uncovered all there was to see.  That was until last week.  When I was planning my mother's day posts, I consider an update to my 'Bodies Bared by Bisset' series.  The posts featured all the actors who were naked in scenes along side that lucky bitch Jacqueline Bisset.  Bissett has shared the screen with a naked 

You can check out Bisset and actor Daniele Ciampi, (HERE:) Bisset and Jens Peter, (HERE:) and Bisset with Matt Lattanzi. (HERE:)  Those are just a few of the long list of actors Bisset has appeared with naked, or almost naked with on screen.  I thought I'd found them all until seeing a post from DC poster naner featuring Bisset's work with Voight n 1975's End of the Game.  I was going to ignore it, but the scene showed more of Voight than I'd seen before, and had to find a copy of the movie to watch.

An interesting tidbit about the film and the actors.  End of the Game was filmed in 1975, the same year Voight's daughter Angelina Joie was born.  Although actress Jacqueline Bisset has no children of her own, she is Angelina's Godmother.

Photographic Porn Stars: Malik


If you're struck by Malik's stunning good looks, just know it transfers to his performances.  Both on stage stripping at Stock Bar, and in his videos both for Men website and on his OnlyFans site.  If you're not quite ready to join his OnlyFans, you can get a taste of what he offers on his Twitter HERE:

Seasonal Sightings


 Late Spring... 
Winter on top, summer on the bottom

Happy Birthday today May 13th


Happy Birthday to model Francisco Lachowski!

Check out more of Francisco on FHHERE:
& More of today's Birthdays HERE: & HERE:

Favorite Pic of the Day for May 13th

How It Should Be: Eduin by TR Pics


'Eduin doesn't stand there, he's is one of those rare models who is lyrical in his posing.. Plus, he loves being nude and had no problems and was anything but shy.'

I'm always interested in how artists and models first meet and connect.  In most cases, it's because one has seen the work of the other, then reaches out about collaborating.  There are certainly other avenues of connection and photographer Tom Rubeck's (TR Pics) introduction to Eduin is certainly one of the most unique and fun stories that I've heard.  I'm not sure if you believe in kismet, but after hearing how they met, and how both describe their creative collaboration, it seems like fate that they would end up working together. 

It all began by Tom deciding to join his husband at a party.  Now this wasn't your average social function or dinner party, the event was a naked yoga party.  Given the theme, you'd guess it might be the perfect place to meet up with perspective models.  Eduin is a massage therapist and was also in attendance at the part, he arrived two other therapists that he often works with. It wasn't Tom however who made the first move, it was his husband who suggested that the trio of masseur's pose for Tom.

'Sooo... I reach out.  Eduin had never posed for photos before (he's only 21), and although he said he was a bit nervous, he was a natural. . Our first session went so well, that we started thinking of themes, like for Christmas and Valentine's. And I've even taken some advertising images for his massage work. He always seems truly amazed at how well he comes off on the camera, and I hope to continue to work with him a lot more in the future.'

I could feel Tom's enthusiasm back in January when he first mentioned his work with Eduin.  They'd already shot several times, and had plans for more creative themes and ideas to capture.  Tom sent on a few of his favorite shots from their work so far, and was excited to be able to spotlight their work together.  Although this was Eduin's first professional photoshoot, I could see the naturalness that Tom described.  Eduin looked like he'd been in front of the camera for years. 

'At first, I didn't rally  know what to do so I decided to follow examples of Greek sculptures. It helped to have a base to work with.  Tom helped direct and explain certain poses which taught me how to work with the camera and my surroundings.'

When you think of something as 'coming naturally' you might assume that means it was easy.  Usually things that appear natural are organic and occur seamlessly without stress or struggle.  Eduin really enjoyed the shooting experience and says in addition to having a lot of fun, Tom helped him feel comfortable in front of the camera.  Feeling comfortable with his body, and especially being naked, was something new for him.

'I've always been shy and never liked being in the spot light, I never felt comfortable being shirtless outside and be seen by others, mainly since I've always been criticized on my weight (too big, too skinny), color, proportions like hip size or nose size, masculinity and so many things that I know we can relate. One day I realized how much power I've given to other people and for what? So I decided to take it back and take steps to overcome my insecurities, since then I dedicated myself to doing things I never thought I could do, like pose nude phot, I just started living.' 

Every time Tom and I do a photoshoot I forget we're doing a photoshoot, we're just always laughing, trying any pose we can think of. That's why I never felt uncomfortable being naked, it was normal, how it should be. Especially when I saw the first images! I just couldn't believe that IS me! haha I would I still don't at times but that's because of how amazing his eye is '

A Jenner Jolt


Over the last year or so, being at home more due to the pandemic, I watched shows that I'd previously avoided.  I snobbishly enjoyed saying that I'd never watched a 'Housewives' show, but I can't say that anymore.   I also have to admit that  I'm better for it, Dorinda's Berkshire manor parties got me through many stressful nights.

I still haven't been able to bring myself to watch anything Kardashian related.  I'm not really a fan.  That doesn't mean I wouldn't like the show, like the Housewives franchise, I know better than to think I couldn't get sucked in.  Having never seen Keep Up With The Kardashians or The Hills, my relationship to Brody Jenner is strictly image related.  In the early 2010's, I chronicled each and every butt crack shot that I could find.

Recently, I came across a video of The Hills: New Beginnings in which Jenner flashed a bit more than just a touch of crack.  Although it was steamy in that shower, I believe we saw the most of Brody's booty than we've seen before.  As you can see from the shot from his Instagram story below, Jenner wanted to ensure he had a great all over tan for his reality show butt baring.

Jenner's always had an incredibly intense sex appeal.  A hot himbo who's both incredibly hot, as well as engaging and approachable.  His dark hair, great smile and hot body are just the icing on a very well baked piece of cake. 

The Hills: New Beginnings

A Deliberate Deviation


Last year, I did a post about certain celebrities I no longer wanted to feature or promote on FH.  For me, it wasn't about politics really, I respect others with different beliefs, and those who I differ with politically.  The post was more about celebrities who supported a certain politician, and my belief this Politian, and many of their supporters, promoted hate, cruelty and multiple forms of bigotry and hate.

I'm choosing to make a deliberate deviation however for this post on actor Jon Voight.  I featured Voight several times over the years, mostly in birthday and award show posts.  I was always fascinated by Voight as an actor, especially so me of his early choices of roles, and his complicated relationship with his politically differing daughter.  I thought I'd posted all of Voight's on screen nudity, but last week, when preparing my Mother's Day posts, I came upon a full frontal scene from a movie I hadn't heard of before.  Check out the scene, and the Mother's Day connection that led me to it. on theNEXT PAGE HERE: 

FaVorites: Malik


If you're a fan of the male form, and if you've check out Montreal's Stock Bar, either in person, or on their incredible site, (HERE:) you've probably familiar with Malik.  Malik is one of Stock Bar's most well known an popular performers due to his powerful performances and incredible work on the poll.  If you haven't seen Malik's naked upside down circles on the poll, you really don't know what you're missing...

Although the pandemic meant Stock Bar's doors are closed for now, they are planning their reopening.  I plan on finally making it there once it's safe to travel again.  In the meantime, the club's site has an incredible archive (HERE:) of performances including many great ones of Malik.  You can also check out more of Malik on his OnlyFans (HERE) and some of my favorite shots of the talented performer on the NEXT PAGE HERE:

Favorite Pic of the Day for May 14th

Adrian Pasdar in Vital Signs


The Case of the disappearing ass crack...

Although Just Like A Woman gave us a better view, there was something about a scene from 1990's Vital Signs that provided had more of an erotic impact on me. Vital Signs wasn't a great movie really, it was about on par with 'ok' episode of Grey's Anatomy.   It did have a great cast however, and provided my introduction to Adrian Pasdar. 

You all remember the scene, Michal (Pasdar) takes Gina (Diane Lane) down to the basement of the hospital.  They begin having sex in a scene that although showed very little, was incredibly hot.  I remember watching on VHS as a teenager, rewinding the scene over and over.  

There was something about just the glimpse of Pasdar's tight striped briefs and the top of his butt that was incredibly hot!  There were just flashes of butt but I'd never watched a moment on screen like when Diane Lane ran her finger down the top of Pasdar's butt crack.

Blu-ray release

When I decided to to this piece, I of course looked for the best quality copy of the film to make caps.  Boy was I disappointed!  I have seen, and written about so many cuts and many frames being lost in the transfer from VHS to DVD and Blu-ray and how many incredible moments of male skin have been lost, but a bit of butt crack, really?  The best quality version pretty much totally cut all of Adrian's ass out of frame.  Given this was one of the movie's most memorable scenes, this was more than disappointing. 

I next searched for a DVD version, and believe the version below is the DVD release.  There is a bit of butt crack in this version, but it still wasn't what I remembered from my multiple versions of the scene. Maybe I built it up over the years, but I was sure I'd seen a bit more Adrian's arse as Lane erotically slid them down. 

DVD Release

Finally success!  Thanks to xyzpdq, (former owner of SOMS) I was able find a  clip of the scene I remember.  As a clip from an old VHS copy, the quality may not be as great as the Blu-ray or DVD, but I'd rather have a scene, especially one I remember so fondly, in it's original form.

VHS release

FaVorites: Yanzo

Incentivized: Jacob by Richard Rothstein


If you follow Richard Rothstein on Instagram, you may be familiar with Teddy.   Even when Teddy isn't the primary focus of Richard's shoots, she still often makes her way into frame.   This skill is just one of the reasons Teddy is a minor celebrity herself..  She not only has her own Instagram page, but is one of My New York's newest employees.  

I always enjoy seeing where Teddy's going to pop up in Richard's work, but I'm not sure I've seen her quite as attentive as she was during this particular shoot.  While Richard was marking his territory, Teddy was definitely marking his with Jacob as well. Who can blame him really.  This isn't just Richard's new home, it's Teddy's as well and she wanted to make sure everybody knew it. 

Happy Birthday today May 16th


Happy 68th to actor Pierce Brosnan!

Check out more of Pierce on FH HERE: & HERE:
& More of today's Birthdays HERE: & HERE:

Nomads (1985)

Favorite Pic of the Day for May 16th

Under The Same Roof: Jacob by Richard Rothstein


'Same building. Higher floor. Closer to the roof!'

When moving to a new space or home, we all have our own unique rituals to mark the change.  Some throw housewarming parties, or buy new furniture for the new space.  There's one thing however, that we all do, even if we're not aware we're doing it.... we mark our territory.  We've all experienced our pets doing it, and though most of us don't pee in our new dining rooms, we do instinctively personalize the space, letting others clearly know, the place is ours. 

When your focus as an artist is the male form, it makes sense that this passion would be a part of your ritual.   Several years ago New York photographer Richard Rothsstein moved into a new apartment.  Many FH readers  remember the series of incredible models that  Richard shot when he first moved in. Acquiring a new space is exciting, especially one with an incredible view, and with many tall windows and the natural light they draw in.

This past April, Richard moved again.  Don't worry, Richard remained in the same building, just a few floors up.  He's now even closer to the amazing roof top used in so many of his shoots.  With a new space and a new home, it was time Richard's ritual of christening his new space with new shoots and new models to commemorate the move, and to put his special imprint on his new home.

'Photographing favorite models is how I do a housewarming. And it smells better that pissing in circles to mark my territory!'

From this series of images, it looks like Jacob took his time and was focused on helping with Richard's ritual.  Jacob seems to have enjoyed ensuring that his scent was left on almost every piece of furniture and in every room in Richard's new space.

As Richard was leaving his mark with his art, and Jacob was leaving his with his naked body, another territory marker was equally hard at work.  Find out who on the NEXT PAGE HERE:

Jacob on Instagram

Just Because: Adrian Pasdar


In 1992's Just Like A Woman, we got a great rear view of actor Adrian Pasdar.  As voluptuously enticing as Adrian's ass appears in this scene, there was another scene, from another movie that impacted me more.  Check it out on the NEXT PAGE HERE:

Just Like A Woman (1992)

Instagrams that Inspire: Yanzo

Seasonal Sightings

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