Favorite Pic of the Day for May 17th
More Zach by Lights On Studio
How big is it?
The long answer - Big enough to put my Tinder date in the emergency room on our first date for a $40,000 surgery to repair a torn vaginal wall!
Short answer - 8”.
Monumental Movie Moments: Paul Mercurio in Exit To Eden
'Once could dance, now can cook'
I know for many, male nude scenes are all about the frontal. For me, I always preferred a great butt scene. Sure, maybe it's because there more of them, but I found most film frontals frustrating. It was rare to get a clear view, most, at least when I was growing up, were either underwater, or so dark you could barely see anything. Many films did the same with male butts, but in a few cases however, we were able to linger.
I'm not sure how many times I rented Exit To Eden from Blockbuster, but it was up there. At one point the salesclerk commented about how much I must love the movie, which freaked me out. Given I was renting on my dad's card, that was the last rental for me. I was panicked my parents might get some read out in the mail and I'd be found out. Thankfully, a few years later, I bought a copy of my own.
Actor Paul Mercurio's butt was a site to behold! Thankfully, this was not lost on director Garry Marshall who put Paul's posterior in the spotlight in two memorable scenes, one in particular. Mercurio deserved all of attention he received as his butt didn't just become spectacular on it's own. It was formed through hard work and hours of dance at the Sydney Dance Company.
Rumor has it, that famous bondage scene with Dana Delany also included a frontal, but Mercuio requested it be removed before the film was released. If you check out the 'gif' below, you'll see that appears to be true. There was also a quick darkened frontal in the scene above, saved by xyzpdq the former owner of Scenes From Male Skin.
Mercurio's roles in film didn't exactly blast off after his turn in the 1994 comedy, but he continued to act steadily, including a recent turn on the Australian soap Neighbours. Currently, Mercurio's focus is on food and cooking, especially his love of ribs. Merurio also recently turned to politics, and last fall was elected as a councillor for Mornington Peninsula Shire in southeastern Melbourne.
Passively Proceeding
Relating to an established or official way of doing something.
As much as I love a man in uniform and a hot detective, not even Chris Meloni's bubble butt can bring me to watch a procedural. Except for maybe a handful of episodes when my remote was out of batteries, I avoid them whenever possible. I like a good mystery, but the glut of procedurals on television is lazy, uncreative and for me, a little frightening. While family drama's and light comedies have all but disappeared from network television, killing, raping and terrorizing humans remains in high demand. I can't help but think there's some distant, or not so distant, connection to the lack of empathy we see in so many these days.
So why this rant today... well, I was just on the TVLine website checking out the new fall schedule. I'm already missing Mom and American Housewife, so was hoping there might be a new comedy on the horizon. No such luck. In addition to dozens of stand alone procedurals, this fall will bring us the renewals of the 2 versions of 911, three versions of NCIS and 3 versions of Law and Order. Add to that Chicago Fire, Chicago Med and Chicago P.D and should be a bloody fun fall.
Happy Birthday today May 19th
Favorite Pic of the Day for May 19th
The Pool's Open: Zach by Lights On Studio
'I was 8 years old when my cousin gave me a Hustler magazine to look at while he was doing his homework.'
Although the site gets very few comments, I do quite a few e-mails about the work, the artist's and the men that I feature. Over the years, I believe I get the most feedback, when posting models over a 'certain age'. I'm not exactly sure what that age is really, it varies based on the model. The industry is still geared to men in their late teens and early 20's, that although sometimes, the model in question is 50 or 60, but sometimes.... even models in their late 20's, 30's and 40's are considered by some to be of 'a certain age.'
One of the things I've learned spotlighting artists and models for so long, is that the expression of sexual intensity, is not connected to any number or age. I've featured beautiful 19 year old men with about the same degree of sexual energy of as a baby kitten. They're adorable for sure, but lacking any real flavor or hint of desire.
Certainly not all of the shoots I feature are about sex, but whenever the the male form is in focus, especially the naked male form, sensual reverberations will follow. As you tell from Zach's quote at the top, his introduction to sensual imagery, or given it was Hustler, sexual imagery, began at a young age. It clearly stuck.
I first featured Zach's work with photographer Tom Nakielski, (Lights On Studio) this past January. (Imminent Edge) I began the piece with a quote from Zach about his love of fucking, whenever he can get away with it. It was impossible to ignore the force of Zach's sexual power, not that one would even want to. It exuded from Tom's imagery both in the visuals, and the emotions they conveyed. Zach's eyes penetrate right through you, and Tom's lighting captured every inch of of his hard and glistening body.
I decided to stick to Tom's interior studio shots for the first part, and save this set for closer to the summer. Anticipation was such an powerful theme in the first set, and are equally integral in this series of shots. On the surface, it seems Zach is anxious about the spring opening of the pool, but in truth, the pool serves as yet another space for Zach to release all that pent up energy and desire. Check out even more on the NEXT PAGE HERE:
Brush Stroke
'Painting experience with a MAJOR twist! Ladies, and open-minded gentlemen, get ready for a truly adult paint night. Instead of painting your typical high heel or wine glass, you'll be painting two live nude male models! Our male models will be posing as you channel your inner artist.'
Last fall, I featured some of my favorite images of model and performer King Stennis. (HERE:) Although I was introduced to King through his work as a model, I quickly got to know more about his work as a performer with Exotic Paintings.
Exotic Paintings is sort of a male form mashup of an art class and a strip show. The result is really just a whole lot of naked fun. The models pose while you paint, but there is an interactive element with the participants that goes beyond most regular strip shows. Finger painting seems to be encouraged as the paint not only ends up on the canvas, but often all over the model as well.
Although like most group activities, exotic paintings had to take a short break with the pandemic, social distancing with this event was next to impossible. The are back up and running, with upcoming dates in late May and June.
Behind the Curve
I know some of you recognize his face, butt... I'm guessing even more of you recognize his ass. Check out more of his extraordinary curves on the NEXT PAGE HERE:
Seasonal Sightings
Favorite Pic of the Day for May 20th
Practically Perfect: Mikael by Mark Leighton
'Mikael's proportions are practically perfect, it was almost like shooting an animated statue.'
Practically perfect could be a pretty daunting description for some, but I believe it accurately describes the beauty of Mikael. It's certainly what I was thinking after first seeing images from photographer Mark Leighton of the 23 year old Manchester model. The tall and lean Mikael has a beautifully proportioned and statuesque body which he elegantly poses and a great face and his strong, but kind green eyes.
It's been shitty year for so many and most photographers had to overcome lockdowns and local restrictions in order to shoot. This was especially true for Mark Leighton, who due to his location, often needs models to travel in order to shoot. Portugal came out of lockdown the beginning of last summer. All was ok for Mikael to visit last October, although it still meant a 14 day self-quarantine after he arrived back in the UK.
Mikael was Mark's second model after Portugal's first lockdown and the timing for the shoot fit in the perfect window. After Mikael headed back home, the number began increasing again and Portugal and in anticipation of a second lockdown, Mark chose not to schedule any more shoots, or models visits until things improved.
The window in which the shoot occurred however, proved a good one. Mikael was fairly new to modeling, and only had a few shoots under his belt before heading to Portugal to shoot with Mark. Despite his spectacular body and beautiful face, initially, Mark shares that Mikael was still struggling a bit with confidence and feeling at ease in front of the camera.
'We worked on that together and with each shoot he got better so that by the last one we did, we were getting a lot of strong images that we both liked. Mikael was a very kind and thoughtful person, easy to get along with and appreciative of the work that went into the shoots.'
'Mikael's proportions are practically perfect, it was almost like shooting an animated statue. The weather was good when he was here and in October that means a nice soft light, as you can see in some of the images - it is one of the best times to shoot in this part of the world, providing the day temperatures hold up - and the ocean is usually at it's highest also.'
Although 2020 proved a challenging one for Mark, it didn't really hold a candle to the first half of 2021. This past February, Mark caught pneumonia and ended up spending 8 days in hospital and a few additional weeks recovering at home. This was the first of a few health scares that sidelined Mark for most of the winter and spring.
Mark shares that he's feeling stronger every day and looking forward to life getting back to normal this summer. Normal for Mark Leighton includes a summer with many hot models flying in to shoot. I look forward to the fall to see the results! In the meantime, you can check out more of Mark's work, and more of Mikael, on Mark's Patreon page HERE:
Mathieu Rivolier in Contes Immoraux
'An erotic collection of short stories, an anthology comprised of tantalizing tales about sexual desire and its diverse manifestations.'
As many FH readers might remember, I love finding great male nudity in softcore films from the 1970's. Thanks to DC poster Alberto, I was recently introduced beautiful French actor Mathieu Rivolier in the 1973 French film Contes Immoraux. (Immoral Tales)
This film may push the boundaries of what's considered 'soft' core, especially in the movies second story. based on the 1748 pornographic novel Thérése the Philosopher. The blonde Rivolier appears in the third story in the film. This chapter focuses on a countess who murders young girls in order to gain eternal youth by bathing in their blood.
Although there is a ton of female nudity in the film, the third chapter begins with Rivolier's roll in the hay and subsequent nude fight scene. If you want to check out the entire scene, I've uploaded it on SendSpace HERE: Rivolier's nude scenes are quick edits in a longer scene but worth a look if you're curious after seeing the caps featured here.
Instagrams that Inspire: Remington Hoffman
I watch Days of our Lives occasionally, but I didn't initially connect model and actor Remington Hoffman with his role as Li Shin. Maybe that's because Mr. Shinn is usually in a business suit and tie, and Remington's Instagram page is full of hot shirtless shots.
'I wasn’t going to tell anyone but decided to share anyways. This is kind of connected to the photo but really not at all. I got this mirror from the thrift store recently and every night I stand in front of it #naked . It’s been a super healthy experience for me. All the parts of myself that I don’t like I look at them and tell myself I’m great. It’s the best!'
Happy Birthday today May 22nd
Salvatore by Venfield8
Happy 36th to Chris Salvatore!
Check out more of Chris and today's BIRTHDAYS HERE:
Favorite Pic of the Day for May 22nd
To Explore Strange New Worlds
'Galloping around the cosmos is a game for the young.'
Captain Kirk
DeForest Kelley
I'm not really a Star Trek fan. I like the new movies, and have seen a few of the older ones, but the series, in any of it's incarnations, never really appealed to me. I do have sort of an emotional tie to the original series, only because my dad used to like watching the repeats when they aired. I remember several Saturday and Sunday mornings, bugging him to let me turn the channel as he watched Kirk, Spock, Bones and company on the bridge.
This past Mother's day however, I had an entirely different experience with William Shatner. For me, Shatner is the annoying guy from the TV commercials, and the actor who played Denny Crane on Boston Legal. I was looking for a movie 'mama' to feature on Mother's Day and at one point was thinking about using Angie Dickinson. I remembered her scene with actor John David Carson from Pretty Maids All In A Row, (HERE:) and wondered if Dickinson had any other scenes with her naked male co-stars.
This led me to Dickinson's turn as Wilma in 1974's Big Bad Mama in which she shared love scenes with both William Shatner and actor Tom Skerritt. Shatner doesn't really show much, just a bit of side skin, but the movie was entertaining enough. Angie Dickinson's beautiful breast do make the foreground. During my search, I also came upon a Youtube video chronicling all of Kirk's shirtless scenes from the original Star Trek series. Given the show's short run, there were actually quite a lot of them.
This scene, from season 2's Patterns of Force, featured both a shirtless Shatner and a shirtless Leonard Nimoy. I didn't remember Spock being so hot from those Saturday morning repeats that my dad used to watch. Further research was required....
There was very little to find skin wise of Bones, (DeForest Kelley) but in addition to Shatner's turn in Big Bad Mama, Nimoy also had a brief nude scene from a 70's film. In the 1971 Western Catlaw, Nimoy gets interrupted while enjoying a relaxing bath. A nude fight with actor Yul Brynner follows and even the hint of a darkened frontal. Check out clips from my trek into seventies skin below.
William ShatnerShatner in Big Bad Mama (1974)
Mama and daughters get forced by circumstances into bootlegging and bank robbing, and travel across the country trailed by the law.
An outlaw tries to avoid interference as he journeys to Mexico to pull off a $2,000,000 gold robbery.
Jay Stone: Cornering The Market
First 5 images by Axel Torres
'I like modeling because its art to me. I love marketing as well. If I can market the art and make a profit out of hard work, then I'm all for it.'
Jay by Tony Veloz
Last 2 images by Axel Torres
Given my focus on story, it makes sense that Covid was a part of so many of the stories I've shared the past 14 months. Shooting came to a screeching halt for many of the artists and models I feature. Some paused for a few weeks, some for a few months. Some others, especially those who shoot in studio, have yet to back behind the lens. It's fascinating to me, to find a model whose career began in the middle of the pandemic.
Earlier this year, while scrolling through his Facebook messages, Jay Stone opened a message from a photographer in Miami. The photographer thought he'd make a great model and wanted to shoot. Although hesitant at first, the shoot meant an all expense paid trip to Florida, including a hotel room and all the amenities. For Jay, it almost seemed to good to be true.
Being offered a paid trip to Florida by someone he'd never met, especially for a nude photoshoot did cause Jay to initially pause. After getting over his some concerns about being abducted or sold for sex trafficking, Jay decided it was a risk he was ready to take.
'That first shoot ended up being great! We did 4 sessions. By trusting his word, and ignoring the negative thoughts I had before arriving in Miami, that first photoshoot turned out being great! My favorite experience part was being damn near naked on the beach while the photographer did some shots. That first photoshoot motivated me to do more'
When I first saw Jay's images, I would never have guessed he's only a few months into his modeling career. There is a strength and sexy confidence in Jay's images that many seasoned models never achieve. This confidence is evident in both his poses, and in his striking and determined hazel eyes. I'm always interested in what motivates a model, and what brought them to the decision to take a chance with modeling, especially modeling nude for the first time. Jay graciously shared what motivate him, as well as some of his early experiences over the past few months.
Any Odd or Interesting Stories so far?
'I did have an experience with a photographer who I came in contact who wanted to do a dominatrix photoshoot. He kept telling me to follow his "commands" during the time. Telling me to "assume the position" and be a "good boy" type of dialogue.. He never heard from me again. I'm pretty open to almost any creative idea or concept, but I don't want to be touched or told to be a good boy...'
What factors did you consider before deciding to model fully nude?
'I wondered what would happen if an agency might be interested, but then saw my nude photos? I also thought about how my family might react. I had broken up with my girlfriend because she did not support it., but everyone else did.. including my family members. other people's opinions however, didn't impact my final decision. '
Best Compliment so far?
'Beautifully photographed. Stunning model! I can feel where this photo is leading me'
The Pandemic's Impact?
COVID has not stopped me from modeling.. you just follow the rules. So far, i have done 3 paid virtual shoots and they love the material!
Future goals or photographer you would like to shoot with?
'I'd love to be in a photoshoot with an extremely beautiful woman in Bora Bora. One of the photographers I'd love to shoot with is Mark Henderson.'
What can you share about your body art?
Born This Way" I had gotten when I was 18. I didn't know that it was a Lady Gaga song! I got it because it reminds me, when I see it, of who I am and what I am. I am this way because i was born like that.
The wings on my chest resemble good and evil because of the discoloration on one of the wings. "Mercy Unto Thee" means that despite doing bad things, I still would want mercy. "Woe Unto Thee" means that despite doing good things, troubling experiences are still going to occur.
The tribal on both arms is just something Ii thought would look cool. The Hawk with red eyes on my leg resembles the devil and that he comes in all forms. The tribal on my leg is unfinished. I want to do tribal feet, leg and knee. Angel wings on my back is unfinished but they will resemble positive and negative looks on each wing. The Mark of Cane resembles my despicable acts towards a person's marriage from years ago. Left arm piece resembles "Journey to come". Both symbols on the pits of my arms are angelic runes and their protection against demons from the Cassandra Claire series of the Mortal Instruments.
Check out more of Jay's work on his Instagram (HERE) and on Model Mayhem (HERE:)
Seasonal Sightings
Although summer is still officially a few weeks a day, in many places, short weather is finally here! Now, I know some might have some other ideas, but I'm not sure anyone looks better his shorts than fitness model and coach Justin St. Paul. Although he's worn smaller shorts in competition, I think this style and length are just perfect for spotlighting his incredible legs and chest.
Happy Birthday today May 24th