Favorite Pic of the Day for May 24th
FaVorites: Julian Fantechi
Julian Fantechi
Playgirl Magazine
November 2005 – “Velvet Curtain” (Photography by Greg Weiner)
August 2006 – Man of the Month “Just Say Julian” (Photography by Greg Weiner)
August 2006 – Cover
October 2006 – Fantasy: “Backstage Asses” (Photography by Eric Schwabel)
December 2006 – Calendar 2007
February 2007 – Fantasy: “The Big Easy”
June 2007 – Man of the Year (Photography by Greg Weiner)
December 2007 – “Win a Date”
January 2008 – Calendar 2008
June 2008 – “Win a Date” (photographs by Lauren Fleishman)
Summer 2013 – “Fantasy O+”
Thanks to AdonisMale for the complete list
Between 2005 and 2013, model and performer Julian Fantechi graced the cover and pages of Playgirl Magazine close to a dozen times. In addition to Playgirl, Julian also appeared in dozens of other adult magazines including Men (08/06) and Mandate. (01/07)
Jim Youngs in Out of Control
Upon graduation from high school eight teens take a seaplane trip, intending to celebrate on Keith's parents' private island. Stormy weather causes the plane to crash and they end up on a deserted isle. They find evidence of other visitors, and soon must fend for their lives against drug smugglers.
In 1985's Out of Control, actor Jim Youngs plays Cowboy, one of the eight teens stranded on the private Island. Longs stars alongside Martin Hewitt, Betsy Russell and Sherilyn Fenn.
If you're going to throw together a group of hot teens on an island, you need to ensure there's plenty of alcohol, and that's exactly what they find. There night of partying leads to most of them removing their clothes. Although one actor (Richard Kantor) takes off his pants, it's mostly the female cast members who are focused on. We do get Youngs down to his tighty whites.
The love scene, and flashes of Youngs hot backside is a frustrating scene to watch. It's one of those 80's music filled and overedited love scenes. Although Betsy Russell's breasts get their close-up, goosebumps and all, we get just a quick side glance at Young' behind.
JayK: Day Ride
Earlier this year, we took a late evening bike ride with model and performer JayK. I loved the series so much, I tucked away a few of JayK's daytime ride to post in the spring. I look forward to what Jayk captures on his next naked journey out!
Happy Birthday today May 26th
Favorite Pic of the Day for May 26th
'This shot is from my work with Yogabearstudio. David had a wrong setting on the camera for this part of the shoot and only a few pics turned out. But this one has always been a favorite of mine. When I was younger, I used to go walking naked in the country near my grandparents' farm. This pic reminds me of those naked hikes in my youth. '
Randy Wesley: FaVorites
Last December, I profiled Tampa based model Randy Wesley. (In The Midst Of) For the piece, I decided to spotlight Randy's work with one of my favorite photographers, David from YogaBear Studio. While putting the piece together, I spent a lot of time checking out Randay's Flickr page. I love the variety of images Randy has showcased, including many images from his very first shoots.
The photo above is actually a shot Randy took himself with his first digital camera. I loved looking at the changes in Randy over his many shoots and over the years he's been modeling. As adorably hot as Randy appears in those early images, there's such a beautiful progression of confidence and sexual expression with some of Randy's hottest shots, being from his most recent shoot. I choose some of my favorites and Randy graciously shared a bit of the story behind each one.
Randy by Mike Smarro
I did one shoot with Mike Smarro in Fort Lauderdale. We got together one Sunday morning and spent a few hours driving around to his favorite locations. He would do a few shots of me in all those places. As I remember, I took along several changes of clothes to get some variety in the shots.'
Randy by Don Nelson'I have a friend in Indianapolis who did a lot of male nude photography as a side business. I wanted him to photograph me on a farm because my husband often refers to me as his farmboy. We found the perfect place and did some amazing shots that day. One is enlarged and on a wall in our home. This particular shot was part of a series that ended up in DUDE magazine. The photographer's name is Don Nelson, but he doesn't do any photography work any more.'
Randy by Joseph Ransom'I've done several shoots with Joseph Ransom. He has captured some of the more erotic images of me. This pic was taken in a small park in Ruskin FL. Lots of people were around, but we still got several semi-nudes and a few full nudes that day. I've always loved pics of guys with the cocks barely showing or with their cocks full exposed with pants around them. This one of me fits that image well. I love the light effects and how that makes my body look.'
Next 2 images by Flash Studio Inc'I worked with Kevin Kerdash 4 or 5 times after I moved to the Tampa Bay area. These pics are from my last shoot with him, and I think he captured the mature me very well. We did this shoot along a river and not too far from the parking lot for this park. We had to keep watching for people, but it was fun to get naked and let him capture me however he thought best. Kevin did many portraits of me, and the one above in my opinion, is one of the best .'
'Modeling is an affirming experience. For a slightly overweight kid who never thought he was good looking, it's been a way to make me feel more confident and proud of myself. It's also been an extraordinary record of how my body has changed over the years. I love looking back at the young Randy and then I marvel at the mature Randy of today.'
Randy by Michael Kilgore'One of my all time favorite images of me. A group of photographers and models got together for a couple of days of shooting at a local gay guesthouse. I was only able to go for a few hours and worked with a couple of photographers. This shot is by Michael Kilgore.'
Randy by Jude Ribisi
'I love this image. I did one shoot with Jude Ribisi. We met at his home and tried various looks. This particular shot is one of my favorites. The combination of the t-shirt and the emphasis on my butt turned out well I think.'
Randy by Noel de Christian
'I did a couple of shoots with Noel de Christian. This one was a particularly fun shoot on a bay near Key Biscayne. We walked quite a ways to get away from people. Once we found a secluded spot, we did several shots of me in and out of the water... in speedos and naked and hard. I thought he did a great job of making me look better than I really do'
Randy by Greg Weiner'Greg Weiner had a website Paragonmen.com, which has now morphed into a Justfor.fans site. In the original site, he had a Real Man of the Month feature, and he shot me for that. I was so excited to work with him! I wrote about that experience in the first post you did on me'.
Randy by Greg Lindeblom
'I did 3 shoots with Greg Lindeblom over the course of a few years. This shot was in a public park in the middle of an afternoon. It was a fun outdoor shoot, but I remember falling off a tree trunk and got scuffed up a bit sometime during that shoot'
Last 3 shots by YogaBear Studio'This was the shoot I did with my friend Samuel for Yogabearstudio. Samuel and I have always had a mutual attraction to one another, and I was happy we finally got to do a shoot together. There's more about that shoot in the first post you did on me.'
'I've probably worked as many times with Matthew Naglich as any photographer. The image below is a great shot of my butt. We often sent photos from our shoots to various gay magazines in the hopes they'd be interested in publishing them. That never worked out for us, but we did get me into Playgirl's Real Men section one time.'
Blast from the Past: Jim Youngs
I had never seen 1986's Youngblood until last week. Sure, I downloaded the scene of Rob Lowe in a jockstrap, but that was the only scene that I'd seen. Last week I saw it playing on my on demand 80's movie channel and decided to DVR. I'm glad I did.
In addition to Lowe's gratuitous jock strap scene, there were also many moments of hot men. The film also featured Patrick Swayze, Keanu Reeves and an actor I'd seen before, but not really focused on until seeing this film, The gorgeous Jim Youngs played Kelly Youngblood, the older brother of Rob's character Dean. Although he only had a handful of scenes, Youngs was a highlight. Not only was his character pivotal in getting Dean back on the ice, Youngs beautiful face and sexy eighties hair had me wanting to see and find out more.
The Secrets of Midland Heights (1980)Youngs got his big break in the late 70's starring along side Ken Wahl in The Wanderers. (1979) He went on to appear on television in TV movies including The Executioners Song, Splendor in the Grass and the short lived prime-time soap The Secrets of Midland Heights. The nighttime drama was cashing in on the success of Dallas and also featured Linda Hamilton and Lorenzo Lamas.
Youngs was back on the big screen in 1983 and had supporting roles in a string of box office hits including Youngblood, Hotshot and as Lori Singer's boyfriend in Footloose. Incredibly talented, good looking and charismatic, Youngs roles on screen began to diminish as the 80's went on. By the time the 90's rolled around, Youngs was back doing guest shots on television including roles with former co-star Wahl on Wiseguy, and turns on NYPD Blue, Babylon 5 and Silk Stalkings.
Hotshot (1986)Youngs last official credit was sadly back in 1995. It's always difficult to understand why some actors, especially those as talented as Youngs hit a wall, especially have his string of hits. There were rumors of projects in 2012, but thus far, nothing has made it past the pre-production stage.
Footloose (1984)In researching Youngs, I could only come up with one nude scene, and it's not the greatest. Youngs had a brief flash of butt in the 1985 teen drama Out of Control. You can check it out on theNEXT PAGE HERE:
Cover-Boy: Julian Fantechi
Every February 16th, I go on the hunt for images of model Julian Fantechi for his birthday post. It's usually a fun expedition given the many shoots Julian was a part of. During the 2000's, he was one of the most popular cover boys for adult male magazines. He appeared in Playgirl, both on the cover and inside, in close to a dozen different issues. Check out some of my favorites shots of Julian on the NEXT PAGE HERE:
Seasonal Sightings
Favorite Pic of the Day for May 27th
Back Issues: Playgirl, March 1982
'Some women claim it's the eyes. Some, it's the smile. But when it comes to turning them onm most women will agree that it's what's behind that really counts.'
March, 1982
'You look up and suddenly you see him---naked, relaxed and unconsciously seductive. It's a secret, sensual scene that makes you go weak and sends hot flashes of excitement through your body. So remember to look out for chance glances like these. Unexpected pleasures are always the best!'
This month's romantic vision materializes in the form of Demian Wolf, Playgirl's man for March. This six foot five inch, 200 pound native of Miami Florida is an apprentice actor and a member of Mensa, the society for people with extremely high IQ's.
'I joined Mensa because I thought it would be interesting to mingle with the intellectual upper crust. But, they're really not too different from any other people you meet.'
Demian characterizes himself as very flexible and independent. His taste in music includes classical harpsichord, ew wave and reggae. Demian's recreational pursuits include; tennis, racquetball, waterskiing and scuba diving. He also considers himself an excellent cook and enjoys preparing Mexican dishes and seafood.
FaVorites: Pretty Rickey
Pretty eyes, pretty face, pretty lips, Pretty Rickey
Seasonal Sightings
Happy Birthday today May 28th
Favorite Pic of the Day for May 28th
A Strong, Cold Wind: Gabriele by macpics
'There was a fairly strong, cold wind blowing up from the south.'
I know it's still only spring, but today, I was craving a dose of summer. With the year and a half so many of us have had, summer has never looked so good. Although many parts of the world are opening up, there are still places where hope for a traditional summer is still up in the air. Parts of Europe, Canada and Australian have all recently gone into new lockdowns, some for the very first time. Variants can spread quickly, especially when some prematurely, view the pandemic in their rear view mirrors.
No better reason then, to head out for a day at the beach. If you're lucky enough, you might just find yourself alone, with the sand and ocean in front of you, all to yourself. That's exactly what happened when Ian (macpics) and Gabriele headed out for their shoot. It wasn't the pandemic however that left the beach deserted, it was the weather, and an especially strong, cold wind.
'In accordance with whichever law it is which governs these things, the weather wasn't very good that week. We only had one full day of sun for beach shoots. It was a quite cool for the time of year. When we went to the beaches, there was a fairly strong, cold wind blowing up from the south. It comes straight up from the Antarctica with only Tasmania in the way.'
Many of you may remember my previous piece featuring Ian's work with Gabriele from last November. (Morning Coffee) That story began as a beach piece, as this was the first series of Gabriele that I saw. When Ian sent on more from their multi-day and multi-location shoot. I decided to save these shots until the winter was over, and summer was closer at hand.
Although the wind may have made things chilly for Gabriele, and a pain for Ian, I think it adds a beautiful element to the series. Wind has a way of making locations look even more majestic and more rugged. As wonderful as it is to head to the beach on a nice sunny day, my favorite times to go are during or just after storms. The power of wind and waves makes for a striking visual, and I love the surf in the background and how the wind whips Gabriel's white shirt around.
'Despite the weather, Gabriele was a trooper and posed in beachwear (and less) anyway. At one point at Point Impossible, where he wasn't so directly exposed to the wind, I started getting very frustrated because the camera started playing up, doing very strange things to the exposures. Gabriele also knows his way around a camera, but neither of us could figure it out. Thankfully by then, we'd captured some great images.'
Steven Ford in The Beneficiary
'There are lots of sins, and the judgement of how serious they all are is not something we're supposed to make.'
I never saw actor Steven Ford on The Young And The Restless, I was just a kid when he was a regular. I was introduced to Mr. Ford when starting FH and was searching for celebrity birthdays. I thought the blonde hottie was adorable and featured him in the site's early first years. I knew the son of former President Gerald Ford had done a butt scene in a soft-core flick, but hadn't seen it until last week.
When searching for info on Ford, I came upon his 1982 cover and interview with Playgirl Magazine. It was interesting to read Ford stammer over his thoughts on homosexuality. He certainly equated it to sinning, not being gay, but the sexual act. He went on to compare his smoking as being on the sin level as being gay. It seemed to me, he was doing what a lot of famous people did in the 80's, play both sides of the fence. Given it was 1982, and given he was the son of a Republican President, I'll cut him a little slack. Many politicians that I like and respect weren't that 'publicly' enlightened even a decade or two ago.
A man and woman detective team investigate the murder of a corporate president, but because the deceased was a friend of the male detective, he is reluctant to believe the signs that point to the widow as the killer.
Despite not being that enlightened about gay sex, he certainly seemed into the 'straight' sex scene in The Beneficiary. Ford really seems to go for it with his enthusiastic thrusting. If the actress looks familiar, you might know Stacy Haiduk from her role as Kristin/Susan on Days of our Lives.
PLAYGIRL March 1982
Researching actor Steven Ford for the piece below, led me to his 1982 cover and interview with PLAYGIRL magazine. In addition to Steven, the magazine had some great pictorials, including centerfold and man of the month Demian Wolf. Check out the highlights on the NEXT PAGE HERE: