Favorite Pic of the Day for June 16th
Draped in Pride: Eduin by TR Pics
'It takes no compromise to give people their rights... It takes no money to respect the individual. It takes no political deal to give people freedom. It takes no survey to remove repression.'
Harvey Milk
Like most annual celebrations, some years I get more excited than others. I get a little jaded, thinking of those that only preach 'good tidings of joy' when it's Christmas, or who only think of race issues when February rolls around. I remember a few years ago being annoyed with the changes in my town's PRIDE parade. Over the last decade or so, it went from an edgy, sexual celebration, to more of a family event, with not only children, but companies both sponsoring and organizing many aspects of the celebration.
My annoyance however, eventually moved to acceptance, and now finally on to appreciation. To actually have a parade, and have a celebration that could be counted on; to have a yearly event that had moved from 'will it happen' to becoming a tradition. A tradition not only for members of the LGBtq community, but for all who wanted to support them. I guess you can't really fight for inclusion, only to get annoyed when it actually includes and welcomes everyone.
Despite my excitement fluctuations, there are always symbols and visuals that tug at my emotions and get my energy engines revving up. At Christmas, it's when I see the first lights on my neighbours houses, or when I finally put my Christmas tree. Even if I wasn't looking forward to the holiday, the visual tug at memories and emotions that evoke my enthusiasm.
With Pride, it's when images of the rainbow flag begin making appearances, the vibrant colors so powerfully representing both unique differences and our similarities. It's especially great when the flag is draped around someone who's experienced the pain of being different, and then embraced that difference, as being part of what now makes them who they are.
Like so many, I've had my own personal struggles the past year, and I wasn't thinking too much about Pride this year, that was until, seeing a few shots of Eduin and his rainbow of colors. Many of you remember Eduin, and his work with Tom from TR Pics from a post I did early last month. (How It Should Be) I loved Tom's images of Eduin and loved Eduin's journey to body positivity, and how posing nude was his way of taking the power back and overcoming his insecurities.
Tom has always used his skills as a photographer to celebrate the holidays, but his daily Instagram posts inspired him to get into even more themes. During his most recent shoots, Tom asked many of the models he was shooting to take part in posing with rainbow themed props. Throughout their many shoots together, Tom has come to consider Eduin somewhat of a muse, so he of course asked if he wanted to participate.
'Eduin responded wholeheartedly with a "Yes"! Although we had the best intentions of gathering a lot of rainbow stuff to shoot with, time ran out and we were very limited. Fortunately, he was able to make use of a rainbow towel and some sort of boa, and had fun with it. We shot is a closed porch area with a lot of light coming in, so the soft overexposed backlight really made he and his beautiful skin stand out. I'm very pleased with the large amount of work we shot."
Robert Romanus in Fast Times At Ridgemont High
'I woke up in a great mood; I don't know what the hell happened.'
Mike Damone
I don't think I've actually seen Fast Times At Ridgemont High, at least not from start to finish. I've certainly seen bits and pieces from the 1982 Amy Heckerling comedy on television, and scenes on-line. I moved into my teens in the late 80's, and certainly remember malls, especially loving when our parents took us to the huge three story mall. I loved running from the toy stores to the pet stores and the hobby and book stores. Fast Times does a great job of capturing the feel of the era of the mall.
Although I didn't see all of the movie, I certainly was aware of the unique sex appeal of actor Robert Romanus. I think I first saw Romanus in the late eighties on The Facts of Life. The talented actor played Natalie's boyfriend 'Snake'. If I remember correctly, Natalie lost her virginity to Snake in one of The Facts of Life's many issue oriented 'very special episodes.'
In Fast Times, Romanus plays the fast talking know it all Mike Damone. Mike uses his friend Mark (Brian Backer) to get close to Stacy, (Jennifer Jason Leigh) who he ends up having sex with. Stacy ends up pregnant causing issues between both her and Mike, and between Mike and Mark.
I've frequently written about the amount of male nudity we've lost when movies are transferred from VHS to DVD and Blu-ray. In the case of Fast Times At Ridgemont High, that trend is wonderfully reversed. With the recent release of a new 4K digital transfer, supervised by director Amy Heckerling, restores some full-frontal nudity of Robert during his sex scene with Jennifer.
Although the original film featured a topless Phoebe Cates, the full frontal was cut in order to avoid the film getting an 'X' rating. It’s not a brand new scene added back into the film as the theatrical version simply zoomed in to avoid showing off too much of Romanus. The Criterion cut simply restores the original framing.

Instagrams That Inspire: Brinn Bevan
The adorable Brinn Bevan was part of the first men's artistic gymnastic team to win a team medal at a World Gymnastics Championships for Great Britain in Glasgow on 28 October 2015. He went on to be part of the British team to compete in the Rio de Janeiro Olympics 2016.
In late 2019, Bevan won a gold medal on the pommel horse at the Northern European Championships in Kópavogur, Iceland. Although gymnastics is Brinn's sport of choice, that doesn't mean he doesn't like to give others a try, including swimming with divers Tom Daley and Matty Lee.
After a hard landing, a butt massage is a must!
Brinn with Jay Thompson and Nile Wilson![]()

Seasonal Sightings
Favorite Pic of the Day for June 18th
Watch And Learn: Pete by Studio1x
'We disappoint, We leave a mess, We die but we don't...
We disappoint In turn, I guess. Forget, though, we won't...
Like father, like son.'
Even if we don't realize or understand it, and even if we try our best not to, we learn from our parents. Whether you have a great father, even a bad or abusive one, we learn. Even father's that are not around, either by choice or circumstance, teach us lessons on coping with loss and abandonment. I remember in university studying the temperament of kittens. Kittens who were nestled and nursed by their mother tended to be calmer and less skittish than those that were not.
Also interesting was that many breeders believed that the sire greatly influenced the personality and temperament of their kittens. Even if they never had any interactions with, a good-tempered, friendly stud cat tendered to produce good tempered and friendly kittens. When we moved on to study human temperament, we correlated a child's sense of safety and security not with their time in the womb, but with how mentally healthy their parents were at conception. The degree to which a child was wanted, even months before they were born, played a role in how wanted and loved they felt in both childhood, as well as into adulthood.
So even if we fight it, even if we don't really understand it, we learn. We're impacted by things we don't even know about or have control over. For those of us who grew up with a father in the house, the learning is more 'on the job' training. Our fathers teach us who we want to be, or who we don't want to be, as men. We watch how they treat others, we listen to how they speak to us, to their friends, their spouse and their own parents.
For many of us, other than our owns, our father's bodies are the first male bodies we ever see. We notice even if we don't look, through the crack in the bathroom door or when walking in the hall by their bedrooms. My father wasn't someone I'd actually call an exhibitionist, but he also wasn't really great at shutting doors. He'd pee with the door open, get dressed and undressed with his door ajar, and run from the bathroom to his bedroom after a shower with nothing on.
I remember being fascinated with my father's body, especially his body hair. Like many young boys, maybe especially those who are gay, I hated dark body hair, and didn't want it on my own body. Maybe we saw it as a symbol of straight masculinity, but I think it was more about not wanting to grow up. As a kid, my sexuality was a bit of a mystery. Sure I look back now and realized I was always gay. At the time though, it wasn't as simple.
What I think I did know however, was that I was safer being gay before puberty. There were no pressures to date or to have sex. It also seemed more 'normal' to have mostly girls as friends, something that was looked upon as differently once you were out of elementary school. I remember being frightened when the darker hair began to grow in, and uses scissors to cut it off.
That phase didn't last too long though, pretty quickly I learned puberty couldn't be stopped even if I tried. Puberty also came with many perks, wet dreams, almost non-stop erections and masturbation soon had me embracing the changes my body was going through.
I was also fortunate to have a great role model in my father. My father was a kind man, gentle and non-judgemental. He hated fighting and discourse, and avoided conflict. Although I didn't realize it at the time, his temperament, made it easer to move into adulthood. There were so many messages about what men should be like. Men were often depicted as cocky and aggressive, but father taught me that being quieter and caring were also qualities men could embrace.
I loved to watching both my parents do regular daily things. I loved to watch my mother cook, my father shave, I especially loved watching them have fun and interact with both each other, and their friends and other relatives. I especially loved watching, and making them laugh.
I didn't really realize at the time that all that 'watching' was actually learning, and how much I was absorbing in the process. I look back however and see that they knew, they saw me looking, watching even the smallest and mundane of activities and tasks. I think my father enjoyed the lessons more than my mother, maybe because I tended to be quieter and more respectful during those life lesson moments.
Whether at school, or at home, it helps to have great teachers. A bad teacher can really fuck you up. It's the things we learn first that stick and if we're taught the wrong lessons when we're young, we can spend a life time trying to undo the damage. I may not have had the best teachers, but I know how lucky I was to have teachers in it for the long haul. I know very well, so many are not as fortunate.
Segueing back to Pete, since he's not my father, there are an entirely different set of lessons that I'd be up for him teaching me. Like I discussed with my dad, Pete knows he's being watched. Not by just one set of eyes though, as given he's being photographed, he'll be seen, and enjoyed, by many. I don't know if is connected to my enjoyment of watching my parents, but I especially love that Jim (Studio1x) chose to capture Pete doing things we all engage in every day. Sure we all love seeing naked men doing heroic things or in a powerful pose, but I find images of hot men doing mundane, everyday things uniquely compelling and uniquely erotic.
Comparatively Speaking: Heiner & Oscar Lauterbach
Whether we like it or not, images evoke comparisons. When we see images of ourselves, we compare what we see with what used to look like. Most importantly, we compare what with see with what we think we look like. When we see images of others, we compare them with other images, with what they looked liked when younger, and what they look like in comparison with others.
I've featured several father and son combinations who have posed naked together. I've also featured many father and sons who are both actors and both have done nude scenes. Whenever you see two men naked, you can't help but compare, especially when they're related. German actor Heiner Lauterbach has been acting professionally since the 70's. His on Oscar joined his father in the business after appearing in the mini-series Fett and Fett in 2016.
Although Heiner has mostly performed in front of the camera, Oscar has spent a lot of time behind it as a producer, writer and director. Both however, managed to squeeze nude scenes into their careers. Oscar has beautiful behind, but Heiner, even in his 60's is still looking mighty fine!
Heiner in Männer (1985)
Riveting Reads
'Make room for Daddy.'
I'm not into incestual themes in photography. I know some can't help themselves going for the sexual when putting a hot father and son together or a sexy set of twins. Although I find those combinations erotic, I don't find them appealing when sexually presented. I do however, enjoy daddies, and the men who covet them.
Meat Tenderizer
Favorite Pic of the Day for June 19th
Pop of the Morning: Pete by Studio1x
'I've got a good father
And his strength is what makes me cry'
Jann Arden
I was very fortunate to have a good father. A father's who's caring and kindness I try my best to follow. A father whose strength wasn't exhibited in physical terms, but in quiet determination. No matter what was thrown at our family, he moved us all along with determination and through proximity. My father wasn't especially vocal about how he felt, but he was always, always physically there. It didn't matter what I was doing, a speech for student government, a hockey game or the school musical, I always knew out in the crowd somewhere, he was there.
Although I certainly had friends whose father's were absent, most of my friends had a relationships with their fathers, even if strained at times. Most of the fathers in my current friend group are incredibly dedicated, in some cases, the primary parent. Yet negative stereotypes about fathers continue. I get it, there are some horrible fathers, but I'm guessing the rate is closer to that of horrible mothers and less than Hallmark and Hollywood wants us to believe.
Looking back, it's funny to me to think about the differences in how my mother and father parented, especially when it came to 'taking breaks'. My mother was very vocal about needing breaks, and almost daily told my father she was going out, or for a walk to take a break. She also took weekends away and vacations with her friends under the guise of needing a break. I don't blame her at all, she deserved every one of them and more, but my father never seemed to have the same option. Although he may have hid out in the shed from time to time, I don't remember him ever saying he needed, or was taking a break.
For many fathers, work might be considered a 'break' from their family and kids, but I don't think that was the case with my dad. He had to get up at 4a.m every morning in order to catch the 5a.m bus to get him downtown in order to then catch a ferry to work. He took that same two hour ferry and bus home each night. We had a car, but that was left at home for my mother to use for errands and to drive us to our various appointments. Once or twice a month, my father was able to take the car to work, usually on a school in-service day, or a day one of us was home sick, meaning my mother wasn't able to leave the house.
Our mother worked hard, very hard, but for some reason my siblings and I felt more pressure to give dad a special Father's Day. There were dozens of time each year my father arranged for my mother to have a special night out, a day off, or an afternoon to herself. Father's Day was really the only day that we as a family tried to give back. The giving back usually ended about 10a.m when he came out to help us clean up the 'breakfast in bed' mess, but we gave it our best. Mother's Day usually meant mom and dad went out alone, Father's Day however, usually meant Dad taking us out to a movie or drive, leaving mom home alone..
Pete's family however, meant it when they said that Sunday was going to be Daddy's Day. Not just until after breakfast, but all day long. As you can see, Pete's day starts with a rare sleep in day. He awakes, and for the first time that he can remember, has the house to himself. Pete's family knew the best way to ensure daddy's day was really about daddy, was to leave for the day, leaving Pete home alone, completely by himself.
And what's the first thing most men do when they wake up late, and find an entire day to themselves ahead of them??? Well, masturbate of course. Pete rarely had the opportunity to pleasure himself without his spouse wondering why, or worrying about one of the kids running in to interrupt him, usually of course, at the moment just before climax. After a little self-gratification, a little clean-up is always in order. Join Pete as he heads to the shower on the NEXT PAGE HERE:
For Jim from Studio1x, finding just the right 'father figure' for his Father's Day shoot, sort of fell in his lap. Pete had already been in touch about doing a shoot and Jim knew he had just what he was looking for. Pete was good looking with hot body and a great face. Adding to this daddy's sex appeal was the perfect touch of grey in his beard and sideburns. Pete was also incredibly creative, and Jim knew he'd be into a theme shoot and beautifully carry out the creative idea's Jim had in mind.
'Given the theme, I felt doing the shoot at Pete's place would be perfect. He lives in an older complex that had such a great feel to it, plants, decorated well, claw foot tub, beautiful lighting, I was in heaven. I love working with other creatives as we build upon each other's ideas and the outcome is outstanding. Pete is a very pleasant guy to be around and shortly after our introductions, it was like we were old friends and got right to work creating art. Pete has been in front of the camera before so he felt very at ease. We were going for the Sunday morning routine and think we captured it well.'
Clint Walker: Left Behind
'End your day with a smile, a happy thought, and a grateful heart.'
Clint Walker
When my mother died a few years, I did a piece spotlighting her love or romance novels. (Tender Is The Storm) I knew my mother read a lot of romance books, but was still surprised how many I found when cleaning and packing up her belongings. There were hundreds of Harlequin's and other books tucked away in almost every room in the house.
I again had to clean and pack with the recent death of my father. This time, there wasn't really any one item that stood out to represent my father or who he was. His eyesight made reading difficult and except for playing cards and exercising, he didn't have a lot of hobbies. My father also didn't watch much television, except for maybe the evening news. He loved sports, but preferred getting into bed and listening to a baseball or hockey game on the radio.
When I was younger however, I do remember that when he did watch a movie, it was a western. Over the years, I bought him many movies on VHS and DVD, usually featuring John Wayne or Clint Eastwood. I bought those not only because he liked them, but they were the only two actors I really knew who starred in westerns. Given my dad basically stopped watching movies years ago, most of them had long ago been thrown out or given away. Except one...
While I was cleaning out the house, I found one VHS western, tucked and long forgotten behind the cable box in the television cabinet. It's title was The Night Of The Grizzly. Given it was on VHS, I didn't really think twice about tossing it in the garbage bag I was using. As Father's Day approached this year, for some reason that movie was on my mind. I felt compelled to do a little Googling...
The hunky actor clutching the rifle on the box cover turned out to be Clint Walker, and a quick Google search had me realizing he sort of epitomized what was meant by the term beefcake. Walker's solid frame and square hairy chest was obviously coveted by many movie goers during his long career. It wasn't a mystery the studios knew it given how many 'beefcake' photos he appeared in and how often he was shirtless in both his films, and the promotional material used to sell the tickets.
Walker's sturdy build came from a lifetime of hard work beginning when he was just a kid. He left school early to work, working in factories and on a riverboat. At 17, he joined the Merchant Marines just as World War II was coming to an end. After the war, he caught the eye of talent agent Henry Wilson who made use of Walker's great physique by casting him as a Tarzan like character in his first film, 1954's Jungle Gents. Two years later, Walker appeared in the classic The Ten Commandments.
Walker's good looks and imposing physique (he stood 6 feet, 6 inches tall with a 48-inch chest and a 32-inch waist) helped him land an audition and win the the lead role in the TV series Cheyenne. (1955-1963) After Cheyenne was cancelled, walker moved to films mostly appearing in Westerns and action films including 1966's The Night of the Grizzly. Walker continued acting with his last appearances being on television in the late 1990's.
I have to thank my father, and that VHS cover, for my introduction to Walker, a truly grade A cut of beef. I enjoyed looking for images of him, and although I haven't watched it yet, do plan on finding a copy of The Night Of The Grizzly to find out why, of all the movies my father owned, that VHS tape was the one left behind.
Tight Ships
Felíz día del Padre!
Favorite Pic of the Day for June 20th
Rudy Mosier: Come Sail Away!
'Meet Rudy Mosier, The Surfing Scholar of Vero Beach.'
Rudy Mosier:
Playgirl Magazine: August 1993
Pictorial: 'Mind over Matter '
Photography by Jean Gabrielle
Those of you who checked out my Father's Day posts this past weekend, may have noticed I featured a few hot daddies Captaining their boats. During my search for hot men on boats, I came upon quite a few models and shots I wanted to feature. I couldn't fit all of my favorite images in the piece, and not all of the sailing studs were actually dads, soo... I saved a few to post later. First up is the absolutely stunning Rudy Mosier.
There are plenty of 22-year-old surfers in Vero Beach, Florida, but Rudy Mosier stands head and shoulders above the rest--and it's not just because he's 6'3". First of all, he's a college student, majoring in economics, with an eye on law school His cultural pursuits also include the dramatic arts
. 'My deal date would be a lobster dinner, followed by a play or the ballet.'
Rudy's mother liked silent films, and Rudy always had the suspicion he was named after Rudolph Valentino. His mother however, won't admit it. When you concentrate on Rudy's stunning profile and dark, tousled hair, we're sure you'll agree that his mom definitely had the right idea!
If You See Me.... Carlos L by Serene Photography
'If you see me walking down the street.....'
Unlike in the Dionne Warwick son, when Mark form Serene Photography saw Carlos walking down the street, he didn't just keep on walking by. Today, most photographers and models connect on-line, but there was a time when photographers asked total strangers on the street about shooting.
Approaching hot guys about letting you photograph them wearing little clothing comes with it's own set of risks. Having a guy say no isn't really the response a photographer could get... I love hearing however, stories about photographers finding models while at the gym, the park or just when just out walking down the street.
'Carlos was walking up the street and I spotted him. It was mainly his hair that caught my eye, but when I asked him if he had any portraits done, he gave ne a great smile and was willing to have a go in front of the camera. '
When Mark sent me on his images of Carlos, I could totally see what caught his eye and prompted him to ask Carlos about a shoot. Carols has stunningly unique look. Beautiful but strong face and features, incredible physique and piercingly powerful dark eyes. As hot as Carlos looks with his shirt off, he looks equally stunning dressed, especially in his white shirt and jacket.
It's fortune that Mark happened to spot Carlos that day on the street. If they hadn't connected that day, the shoot most likely would never have happened. Carlos wasn't a model, and after this shoot he moved away, making future shoots impossible.
Mark would have loved to have shot him again, and captured more looks and themes. Mark's grateful however, that he initiated a conversation that day and was able to capture and share what initially caught his eye.
Time Warp
It's astounding
Time is fleeting
Madness takes its toll
But listen closely
Last month, when putting together my birthday post for May 17th, actor Peter Hinwood showed up on my list. Many of you know Hinwood from his turn as Rocky in 1985's The Rocky Horror Picture Show. I was going to make Peter the birthday boy for the day, but while looking for pics to use, I decided he needed a piece of his own.
First off, I have to admit that I've never seen The Rocky Horror Picture Show. I know, I deserve some sort of punishment, preferably by someone in leather. Now I've certainly danced to Time Warp at clubs and parties, and have seen many images of Peter and cast in magazines and on television. I've also seen Chord Overstreet don the gold shorts on Glee, but have not until now, appreciated the wearer of those original gold hot pants.
Researching Peter led me to IMDB page where I learned he only made one film after Rocky. Hinwood's last role was as uncredited one in the 1976 homoerotic Roman historical drama, Sebastiane. Before he started acting, Hinwood was both a photographer and model. This explains some of the early nudes he did prior to taking on the role of Rocky. Hinwood returned to the arts after his acting career ended, this time the visual arts.
Hinwood became an antiques dealer and also returned to photography, some which can be found on his Instagram page. (HERE:) IN a 2000 article with People Magazine, Hinwood explained why he left the business, and chose not to milk his time as Rocky.
One, I can't act. Two, I cringe with embarrassment every time I see myself on film. Three, I relish a quiet, peaceful life'
Although Hinwood may be now out of the spotlight, his gold hot pants have remained in the spotlight. Hinwood ended up selling them at auction for a measly $1000. They are now part of the memorabilia collection currently on display at the Orlando Hard Rock.
Hinwood revealed that in 1994 he had rediscovered the gold hot pants he wore in the film and sold them through an auction house for nearly $1,000. They are now part of the Hard Rock memorabilia collection, and were for a time displayed in their Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, restaurant.[8] The shorts can be viewed at the Hard Rock in Orlando. It might be time for me to finally check out that movie...
Seasonal Sightings:
Wacks & Cracks
I love me some Logan Wall, especially when he strips down, (as he frequently does) and plays out in the field. From baseball, football and basketball in both the summer and winter, Logan's always up for a game.