Channel: Favorite Hunks & Other Things
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Michiel Huisman in Treme


I usually look forward to July 18th each year as I get to again search for new images of actor Michiel Huisman on his birthday. This year I skipped posting on the 18th, but I am not going to let that stop me!

I first discovered Michiel when searching for actors to profile in my favorite import section and quickly became a fan of the Dutch actor after seeing him in the 2003 movie Phileine zegt sorry. (below) To me, Michiel Huisman is just about perfect and this year, seem the rest of the world seems to think so as well. Besides appearing on screen in World War Z, Michiel is also juggling roles on two US television shows, Nashville on ABC and HBO's Treme. I began both of these shows, but never really watched much past the first episode or two but with Michiel now in the cast of both, might be time to try them again!

Phileine zegt sorry (Phileine Says Sorry, 2003)

My previous posts on Michiel HERE:& HERE:

Michiel in Treme (2013)

Pygophilia by Von Melzer


'I was born in a war where the battle was fought between my own angels and demons. My art, therefore, reflects my soul… sometimes heavenly and pleasant, other times dark and stormy.'

Fetish was a word I didn't really understand until about two years ago. It was then that I discovered the world of Von Melzer. I instantly fell in love with Von Melzer's work, the deep colors, the angles, the way in which he captured both ecstasy and pain simultaneously. Until then, I thought the pain associated with fetish was just physical and not the emotional torment Von Melzer so beautifully captures.

Over the past several years, I have done several posts featuring the work of Von Melzer. There is such depth in his images that remains imprinted on my brain long after the visual has gone. Because of his imagery, I have realised that fetishes are not just something that only effect others, but instead touch us all. The difference is not whether there is something we sexually fixate on, the difference is weather we choose to acknowledge it, and then act upon it.

In books, or on television, when fetish is the subject, the author or artist tend to focus on those who act them out. Those who put on the mask, tighten up the leather and hold the props. Although Von Melzer has certainly chronicled those who act out their fetishes, my passion for his work is due to his ability to capture the fetishes within those who do not.

'While I enjoy photographing landscapes and objects, my first love is portrait photography. The expressions human's make in both their face and body language is incredible to me. It's about that unexpected moment when the subject is unaware of me taking the photo. Not posed or planned, just someone acting naturally. That's when the truth comes out in the photo.'

What makes this set of images so erotic, besides of course catering to one of my own preoccupations, is not necessarily just what you see. What makes them so arousing to me, is the ability to feel the intensity and imagine what feelings, that the model is experiencing at that moment of capture.

The Amazing Racer


The Amazing Race has traveled north and about two weeks ago, Canada premiered it's own edition. Like Phil Keoghan on the US version, The Canadian version has picked a worthy, and equally hot host! Olympian, and sexy redhead, Jon Montgomery makes a fine form to be running towards at the finish of each leg of the race.

A Canadian skeleton racer, Montgomery has competed since 2006. After winning the gold at the 2010 Olympics in Vancouver, Montgomery marched through a crowd of fans singing the national anthem and chugging a pitcher of beer. You can see in the first picture above, a tattoo of a maple leaf over his heart that the Olympian which got with his mother after he graduated from high school. Oh Canada!

Happy Birthday today July 27th

Favorite Pic of the Day for July 27th

Thyago Alves: Object of Affection


In Il compleanno, (David's Birthday, 2009) Matteo (Massimo Poggio) is a happily married, self made man, who loves his wife, his daughter and his job. That is until he and his wife, along with another couple, rent a beautiful house on the Italian coast for the summer. From the first moment Matteo sees David, (Thyago Alves) he becomes obsessively drawn to the young student.

Who can blame him really, Brazilian model turned actor Thyago Alves could turn the head of almost anyone. With his incredible body and face, not to mention that head of hair, Metteo didn't stand a chance.

American Youth -Part 2- by Hans Fahrmeyer


Last week on Sunday's With Han's, photographer Hans Fahrmeyer shared with FH a selection of images and a video with the theme, American Youth.

There were so many images from the series I wanted to feature that I decided to separate them over two Sunday's. So glad that I did as Han's put together an all new video incorporating even more of his photos. Check it out below!

If you have not checked out Han's new tumblr, head on over now! Han's regularly updates with new images, videos and themes not seen anywhere else!

AMERICAN TEENS 1 from Hans Fahrmeyer on Vimeo.

Favorite Clicks of the Week:

Favorite Clicks Of The Week:
ETOnline has a gallery featuring Hollywood's Sexiest Shirtless Men. Included is this recent shot of Justin Hartley from season 3 of Revenge.

Max's Petting Zoo:

Check out Max Emerson's latest blog entry Ninja Quest!

'My agents called me in for work on Friday to do a scene on How I Met Your Mother where I get molested by Wayne Brady. I had to leave Colorado the next morning. How could I say no to that?!'

Enlightened Male:

'Within the general brotherhood of man, concerning male sexuality, a significant percentage of men live with a closely guarded secret. More common than most people think, these men are dealing a same sex attraction. Most people, other than those they may have shared their secret with, don’t realize how many men have some degree of sexual attraction to other men. Contrary to most moral codes and various religious beliefs, these feelings are quite common and natural. They are feelings that number among the human emotions I deal with through the characters in my novels.'

I have been a long time fan, and reader of author Martin Brant's blog Enlightened Male. Some of you mind find it a bit provocative, but that is exactly what makes it so alluring. Besides incredible imagery, Martin writes on subjects that are fun, erotic and of course enlightening. Some of the subjects just in the past couple of months include; Two Wives and Two Husbands, Clothes Free, A Young Man’s Feminine Side & A Man’s Desire for Breast Milk. Check out Enlightened Male HERE:

Bryan Nevin

This past March I featured the work of photographer Bryan Nevin and his images of Brandon Connelly. you can check out Bryan's incredible new images of Marcus Isaacs over at the Man Crush Blog HERE:

Happy Birthday today July 28th


Happy 30th to Nick Youngquest!

Check out more of Nick HERE:& More of today's Birthday boys HERE: & HERE:

Favorite Pic of the Day for July 28th

Lukas Auf dem Strand


'I love to be in front of the camera and look forward to when I can make other people happy with my photos.'

With the heat and humidity stalled over most of the East Coast, it was refreshing to be visually transported onto a beach in Hamburg Germany while viewing these incredible images from Ursus von Schwarzenberg.

You can literally feel the heat of the sand, and the coolness of the water caressing the skin on Lukas. Lukas spends his days working as an independent consultant in the IT business and it is through modeling he gets to unleash his creative side and let off steam. Lukas had stopped modeling awhile ago but recently rediscovered how much he loved being in front of the camera.

You can check out more of Lukas on ModelMayhem HERE:& much more on his website HERE:

Robert J. Guttke: That's How It's Done!


'With Robert J. Guttke, if you see a model, 30 feet in the air, with a firm grip dangerously clinging atop a crane, there is actually a man, 30 feet in the air, firmly gripping that crane. That, is but one reason Robert's work stands out.'
Tye Briggs, FH

'One of the more remarkable shots I did was of the twins & Sara standing on a girder that had to be 3- stories high. The sun was setting behind me, dropping below the trees so it appears as if dark boots were seeping up from their feet.'

Today, if you see something incredible in an image, something that looks like it could not possibly have been done, in most cases, it was created through photoshopping. Photo manipulation has become fairly standard, an easy, and cheaper way to achieve the desired results. The ability for almost anyone to easily get their hands on a photo editing program has brought forth mixed results. The ability to manufacture almost anything your mind can think up has certainly led to some amazing visuals. It has also lead to an almost watering down of creativity. Yes, almost anyone can use an editor to create magic, but the question is, if digitally manipulated, are you really being creative and is it still art?

Robert J. Guttke believes that if you want three magnificent bodies high atop a beam jutting out of an old ammunition factory, you actually put them there. Robert's latest post his new blog, Exquisite Pain, takes a closer look, behind the scenes of how exactly he was able to capture the incredible images above. If you're like me, one of your first questions is why exactly are they climbing naked? Check out Exquisite Pain to find out more!

Calendar Clue's


Images from the 2014 Downton Abbey Calendar provide a few clues as to what the upcoming 4th season has in store. Personally I am still mourning the loss of Matthew, Lady Sybil and Ms O'Brien. Heck, I still miss William!

For a show only about 25 episodes in, there certainly has been a major slaughtering of characters. Besides the one liners from The Dowager Countess, it is actually Lady Edith who is bringing me back. After getting jilted at the alter last season, hoping this season she might actually find some happiness! Here's hoping death finds the wife of her editor!

Happy Birthday today July 30th

Happy Birthday Simon Baker!

Check out my many posts on Simon on FHHERE:
Check out more of today's birthday boys HERE:

Favorite Pic of the Day for July 30th

Symbol Of Power by EButterfield Photography


'A tie is like an arrow pointing to my crotch.'
Jarod Kintz

Ties are an interesting item of clothing. I remember as a kid proudly learning from my father how to tie a neck tie. During my teen years, tie's usually were only worn on positive occasions, church or a holiday, a dance or some special occasion.

Now that I am in my thirties, I have grown to dislike wearing ties. What once represented a special time, now represent restriction, not only of my neck, but sometimes freedom. I now try to wear ties as little as possible and usually only wear them with on certain days at work, important meetings and conferences. They are also of course worn at weddings and funerals, which at some point in my have achieved about equal parts pain & joy.

3 images above: Javier

My love of ties thankfully returned however when viewing this series by EButterfield Photography. I was reminded of the excitement I once had putting on a tie and the pleasure and relief that usually came from taking them off. I especially loved hearing from Evan about the meaning behind the theme.

'The tie series came about for a couple of reasons. The "Serious Artistic" reason was that I found the contrast between the formality of a tie and the nude model to be an important statement about how we decorate ourselves in the business world, and make judgments about a man's success and power based on the quality of his neckware--all the while ignoring the fact that we're all naked underneath, and that the body is a much more true symbol of power. The real reason is that I thought it was pretty funny to have a hot nude model wearing nothing but a tie.'

'As the owner of several very nice ties, it also offered an opportunity for me to show them off, and since most of my work is minimal in terms of color (skin tones and black backgrounds) the pop of a red or gold or blue silk tie was visually appealing. So as I work with various models, I always try to incorporate that particular shot. Sometimes the tie is used as camouflage, to cover up the naughty bits; sometimes it just points right down there.'

EButterfield Photography: Isolation Of Chaos


'I love photography. Call me a control freak, but I love looking at the world through a viewfinder, where it isolates the chaos into a manageable little rectangle I can control. I look for abstract patterns in detail, the "touchy-ness" of surfaces viewed so closely their "thingness" disappears; for bursts of rich color in expected and unexpected places; for textures and details.'
Evan Butterfield

Since beginning FH six years ago, I have seen the male form captured in many different locations and many different ways. In costume, on roof tops, on the side of buildings, on mountains and in holes, in abandoned banks, mind shafts and decaying buildings. I have found that often, the method or theme, which an artist chooses to shoot a model is more about the artist themselves than the subject in front of their lens. It is usually connected with another of their passions, or in other cases, incorporates something about themselves, or something they want to say, subtly within the imagery.

When first viewing the work of Long Beach California photographer Evan Butterfield, it was not just the models that drew my attention. With these images, it was also the objects incorporated within. In fact, with some of Evan's work, the object visually drew me in first, then my attention expanded to the model and image as a whole. Evan incorporates various props, everything from fruit and vegetables to cast iron teapots, cameras, masks and neck ties (see post below) on, with and in front of the men he captures.


'I see the props not as storytelling devices, but as counterpoints to the traditional nude model, that can be used to hide some parts while at the same time drawing attention to the model's nakedness.'


The correlation between Evan's desire for control, and the use of objects is interesting to me. In many ways, the objects act as visual bait that Butterfield uses to lure your attention to where he wants you to look first. Even though you may be looking at a naked man, your brain is visually telling you 'grapes'. The contrast is fascinating and in some images, the object also connects both the model and the viewer to the tone and feel of the piece.

The object can also acts as a focus for the model. When standing alone, naked in front of the camera, it can often be difficult to focus thought and movement. Having a prop, even something small to touch and hold can help tunnel energy making the experience seem more relaxing and casual.


'I've always been surrounded by photography. My grandfather was a small-town professional photographer (he specialized in gauzy portraits of Gladiolus Festival Queens and beaming local brides). He had a shingle hung in front of his house with a big, garish, Gothic "B" on it announcing "Butterfield Photography," so I come by the name honestly. My great-uncle was an aerial photo analyst in WWII, and my father, not one to take retirement sitting down, is a photographer for a local suburban Chicago newspaper. Anyway, it's no surprise how I've gotten to this point. Photography's not my day job, but it's an important part of my life.'

A Midsummer's Night's Dream


With all the traveling he has been doing, it has been awhile since Dylan Rosser has out updates for THE MALE FORM. As you can see by these images, including the adorable Alfie, it was well worth the wait.

Above: Alfie by Dylan Rosser

THE MALE FORM has been updated with new shoots from not only Dylan but some of my favorite photographers! In addition to Alfie, Addison and Matt S from Dylan you can see new work from Ethan James, Deon Jackson, Brenton Parry, Ian Fraser and many others. Head on over to see all the Midsummer updates on THE MALE FORM!

Addison by Dylan Rosser

AJ by Ethan James

Justin By Ethan James

Happy Birthday today August 2nd


Happy 37th to Sam Worthington (below in Somersault)

Check out more of today's birthday's HERE:

Favorite Pic of the Day for August 2nd

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